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Colonoscopy - getting ready

Written on:2019-06-07
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Colonoscopy/getting ready

  • Colonoscopy
  • Why its done
  • Getting ready
  • What happens on the day
  • Results

  • Once youve been referred youll get a letter, in the post or by email, telling you when your colonoscopy will be.

    Some hospitals will phone you to book you in, but you should also get a letter – call the hospital if you do not get one.

    Your letter will:

    • tell you what you need to eat and drink in the days before your test

    • tell you when you should stop eating and drinking

    • have laxatives with it for you to take before the test, or information on how to get them

    • tell you how to take the laxatives


    If youre pregnant, or taking any medicines, let the hospital know as soon as you get your letter.

    2 days before

    For 2 days before a colonoscopy, you should only eat plain foods like:

    • plain chicken not in a sauce

    • white rice, pasta or bread

    • clear soup

    Your letter should tell you what you can eat and drink.

    1 day before

    The day before your colonoscopy youll need to drink sachets of laxatives to empty your bowels ready for the test.

    Most people:

    • need to drink a few sachets

    • need to drink the sachets at different points throughout the day

    • get diarrhoea a few hours after taking the first sachet

    Stay at home and be near a toilet after youve starting drinking the laxatives.


    You need to drink the laxative as it says on your letter. Otherwise the specialist may not be able to do your colonoscopy.




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