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Diabetic eye screening

Written on:2019-05-23
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Diabetic eye screening

  • Diabetic eye screening
  • How to book a test
  • What happens
  • Your result

    • Diabetic eye screening is a test to check for eye problems caused by diabetes.

    • Eye problems caused by diabetes are called diabetic retinopathy. This can lead to sight loss if it's not found early.

    • The eye screening test can find problems before they affect your sight.

    • Pictures are taken of the back of your eyes to check for any changes.

    • If you have diabetes and you're aged 12 or over, you'll get a letter asking you to have your eyes checked at least once a year.

    You can get other versions of diabetic eye screening information, including an easy read guide, an audio guide and guides in other languages.

    Coronavirus (COVID-19) update

    Diabetic eye screening services are now running.

    You'll be invited when your next screening appointment is due.

    Contact your GP surgery or optician online or by phone if you have diabetes and are worried about your sight.

    It's important to go to your appointment unless you have symptoms of COVID-19. All NHS services are making sure it's safe for you to attend.


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