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End of life care - Lasting power of attorney

Written on:2021-10-18
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End of life care/Lasting power of attorney
End of life care

If you become unable to make decisions for yourself in the future, someone will need to make decisions for you. Who does this will depend on the situation.

Generally, professionals will make decisions about your health and social care, and your family or carers will decide on day-to-day matters.

If you wish, you can officially appoint someone you trust to make decisions for you.

This is called making a lasting power of attorney (LPA), and enables you to give another person the right to make decisions about your care and welfare.

You can also appoint an attorney to decide on financial and property matters.

There are special rules about appointing an LPA. To find out more, read GOV.UKs advice on making a lasting power of attorney.

You can call the Office of the Public Guardian on 0300 456 0300 for forms and guidance.

The Office of the Public Guardian can also provide more information on making an LPA to cover decisions on property and legal matters.



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