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Nipple discharge

Written on:2021-04-26
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Nipple discharge

  • Nipple discharge

  • Nipple discharge is not usually a sign of anything serious, but sometimes it's a good idea to get it checked just in case.

    Nipple discharge is often normal

    Lots of women have nipple discharge from time to time. It may just be normal for you.

    It's also not unusual for babies (boys and girls) to have milky nipple discharge soon after they're born. This should stop in a few weeks.

    Nipple discharge in men is not normal.

    The colour of your discharge is not a good way of telling if it's anything serious. Normal discharge can be lots of colours.

    What happens at your GP appointment

    See a GP if:

    you have nipple discharge and any of these:

    • it happens regularly and is not just a one-off

    • it only comes from 1 breast

    • its bloodstained or smelly

    • youre not breastfeeding and it leaks out without any pressure on your breast

    • youre over 50

    • you have other symptoms – such as a lump, pain, redness or swelling in your breast

    • youre a man

    Its probably nothing serious. But theres a small chance it could be cancer, so its best to get checked.

    The GP will look at and examine your breasts.

    They may refer you to a hospital or breast clinic for further tests. These will usually show that you do not have cancer.

    What happens at the breast clinic

    At the hospital or breast clinic, you may have a:

    • breast examination

    • scan – usually a breast X-ray (mammogram) or ultrasound

    • biopsy – where a needle is inserted into your breast to remove some cells for testing

    The tests are often done during the same visit.

    You'll usually be told the results on the same day, although biopsy results can take longer – you should get them in a week or two.

    Read more about what to expect at a breast clinic appointment from Breast Cancer Now

    Causes of nipple discharge

    Nipple discharge has many possible causes.

    Common causes include:

    Read more about common breast conditions that can cause nipple discharge from Breast Cancer Now

    Nipple discharge by itself is not usually a sign of breast cancer.



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