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Prostate cancer - causes

Written on:2021-10-18
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Prostate cancer/causes

  • Prostate cancer
  • Symptoms
  • Causes
  • Diagnosis
  • PSA testing
  • Treatment
  • Living with

  • It's not known exactly what causes prostate cancer, although a number of things can increase your risk of developing the condition.

    These include:

    • age – the risk rises as you get older, and most cases are diagnosed in men over 50 years of age

    • ethnic group – prostate cancer is more common in black men than in Asian men

    • family history – having a brother or father who developed prostate cancer before age 60 seems to increase your risk of developing it; research also shows that having a close female relative who developed breast cancer may also increase your risk of developing prostate cancer

    • obesity – recent research suggests there may be a link between obesity and prostate cancer, and a balanced diet and regular exercise may lower your risk of developing prostate cancer

    • diet – research is ongoing into the links between diet and prostate cancer, and there is some evidence that a diet high in calcium is linked to an increased risk of developing prostate cancer

    Further information



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