Mr. Mark Hulbert

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  • Mr. Mark Hulbert
    GMC Number : 3140963  

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    Fees : First Visit   : £225
                    Follow-Up : £195  

    Overall Rating
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    1 Reviews
  • About Mr. Mark Hulbert

    Mr. Mark Hulbert is a consultant who specialises in Ophthalmology.

  • Specialties

    Sub Specialties

  • Here are a list of some of the procedures that are available from this consultant. We show prices and links where possible.


    Procedure Name
    Cataract Surgery
    Eyelid Cyst Removal
    BMI The Lon
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  • Patient Ratings






  •  Patient Reviews

    Mark Hulbert
    Review SourceBy:Terry McMillan rating
    Dec 19 2022

    Mr Mark Hulbert carried out a Phacoemulsification and lens replacement to both of my eyes, back in 2013/14 to improve my near vision. When this didn’t work, he suggested that he bring the focus of my near eye more into the distance, however, this would compromise my near vision but improve the balance between the two eyes. I had no other option, and Mr Hulbert believed that the proposed refocus of my right eye would relieve me of the difficulties. Whilst carrying out the surgery, he managed to tear the posterior capsule to such a degree that he had no choice but to place a new Intraocular Lens (IOL). This was relatively avoidable and occurred due to his negligence and or inability to professionally execute the surgical procedures, which has now left my vision much worse than it was pre-surgery. Throughout the consultation process with Mr Hulbert, he had assured me of the results with little emphasis of implications and scenarios of what could go wrong. If I had been made aware of these risks, I would have felt less inclined to go ahead with the procedure that Mr Hulbert suggested, and I would have sought a second opinion. Since having this surgery, I have had and will continue to need several corrective surgeries, to enable me to live a normal life and maintain my vision, due to Mr Hulbert’s poor judgement, carelessness and or incompetence to professionally execute the surgical procedures. Not only have the surgeries cost me 10’s of thousands of pounds and will continue to cost me thousands of pounds in the future, it has been crucial for me to put measures in place which I would not have had to do, if the procedure had been carried out correctly, which has also cost me a significant amount. I was unable to drive for quite some time and continue to have difficulties with this. I was having headaches because of the strain on my eyes, and it is incredibly stressful not being able to carry out a lot of my daily tasks and having to rely on others to get things done for me and live a normal day to day life, which I believe I would have been able to have done if Mr Hulbert offered alternative solutions, which he failed to do. I was unable to read, look at computer screens because of the mess my eyes had been left in. As a businessman, I am required to read/review lots of information and, simply, be able to see. Mr Hulbert’s negligence has had a severely negative impact on my life as well as my families, and my businesses. If I had not gone through with this, I believe that I would not have the problems with my vision, that I do today, regardless of the usual deterioration of eyesight over the years – due to age and normal wear and tear.

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  •  Care locations worked at:
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    The London Independent Hospital
    1 Beaumont Square, Stepney Green, London
    1star rating (9)
    Fees : First Visit : £225
    Follow Up : £195
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