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  • Dentist Information
  • Bupa Dental Care Redditch is a dental surgery near Worcs and provides a list of procedures with a price list listed below if available. The surgery has 2 reviews with a rating of 3.0 stars out of 5.
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  •  Patient Reviews

    Bupa Dental Care Redditch
    Review SourceBy:Anonymous
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Mar 28 2022

    Disclaimer - a long and emotional read that may save someone some heartache and toothache if they bother to read it! Let me start by saying that I was not going to leave a review until they called me and I went online to check what others are saying to discover a whirlpool of unhappy customers! This is the most unprofessional, the most diabolical practice I have ever used in my 40 odd years! An utter joke that is a real disgrace to the brand and the medical profession! I had my first appointment in early January 2022. Had to take time off to make it, as was desperate to have my teeth sorted ( was in agony for months). As I was on the way to the appointment, literally on their drive, a call came through to advise that they have to cancel and I can call at my convenience to reschedule! I explained that I was literally on their doorstep and asked for a different time on the same day. Was given a different appointment, so had to leave to come back later. On next arrival was made to wait for over an hour as a doctor was busy with someone else. Ok. Was seen, told I needed a root canal treatment and asked to make another appointment. The first available appointment on NHS was at the very end of March - so three months of agony! Ok. Bought painkillers and prepared to wait! Three months later, another day off( I am a teacher and its not easy to take time off) and there I was- waiting for my treatment. Upon arrival, as soon as the receptionist worked out I was a NHS patient, her attitude changed and I ended up sitting in reception for over an hour. Finally, I was called in and the first thing the dentist asked was if I was there for a root canal treatment – yes, I replied. She continued by saying she needs to look through my records as she was not the dentist who checked me and took xrays initially. Then she asked why I had to wait for months for the treatment and as I soon as I mentioned that I had been waiting to have it done on NHS, her demeanour changed instantly. All of a sudden, she could only do a check up and I would need to reschedule the treatment! I did get quite emotional and tried to explain that I would not take no for an answer as they made me wait for 3 months, I had to take a day off work, I was in agony and it was utterly unprofessional. I had to fight tears, I must admit, as I am under a lot of stress at the moment, with a lot of my family being stuck in a war zone in Ukraine, so I did get emotional and asked them to give me an appointment on the same day, as I would not take no for a answer, given it was their fault. I was told to go to reception and wait. I was then asked to come into the office and in a highly patronising manner told that apparently, I pushed by a nurse when exiting the room – the rooms are tiny and all of them were by the door, but I am still shocked at their behaviour and their wild accusations. Having been dressed down by Kirsten, facilities manager, I was told they would do me a favour!!! How dare they? And help me out, as it was their fault. I was given an appointment for the same day and left. 10 minutes later a call came through where I was told they had discussed the situation and would not be able to help me, as they do not tolerate such behaviour! They continued by saying I had been informed that it was going to be a standard check=up only and when I quoted the dialogue that took place between myself and the dentist, I was told it was untrue and the person on the phone could verify that! It was all totally made up, to start with, and I am still in shock at the treatment I received! This is the most appalling practice of inhumane people who call themselves medical professionals!

    Bupa Dental Care Redditch
    Review SourceBy:Lynne
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Mar 14 2018

    I had dental treatment and was completely satisfied with how the dentist, and the practice manager dealt with my problem. I would like to thank them for their understanding of the problems I was going through
    Original Comment Report...

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Bupa Dental Care Redditch, 53 Bromsgrove Road, Redditch, Worcs, B97 4

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