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  • Dentist Information
  • Grange Park Dental Practice is a dental surgery near Northampton and provides a list of procedures with a price list listed below if available. The surgery has 14 reviews with a rating of 3.8 stars out of 5.
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  •  Patient Reviews

    Grange Park Dental Practice
    Review SourceBy:ian menzies
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Jan 14 2019

    Had a problem with a filling that had broken over the weekend. Called first thing Monday morning to see whether I could make an appointment. Very pleasant receptionist managed to make an appointment for 11.30 that morning. Arrived at 11.15, seen immediately. Dentist was excellent and a good communicator. Immediately gave me a new filling and treatment was finished by 11.30. Great all round service.
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    Grange Park Dental Practice
    Review SourceBy:Anonymous
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Jul 25 2018

    If you're looking to register as an NHS patient then I would give the Grange Park Dental Practice a swerve as their registration process barely exists and their treatment of prospective patients is appaling. I visited the practice in January to enquire if they were accepting new NHS patients. They said they were and I completed the necessary paperwork there and then. I was told to expect a call to make my initial appointment in a few days. After two weeks and having heard nothing I then visited the practice again to enquire as to progress at which point my form was located from a pile on a shelf behind reception and the young lady set me up there and then. I was given a date at the beginning of April - itself an overlong wait - for my initial appointment. Having waited patiently I then received a text a few days before my scheduled appointment to cancel it saying that Grange Park were no longer accepting new patients. A text, not a call, just a text. I've now registered with a practice who know how to treat people properly and I would recommend anyone else with similar requirements to do likewise!
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    Grange Park Dental Practice
    Review SourceBy:Anonymous
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Feb 16 2019

    Came to grange park to have a temporary filling replaced that had been done there in sept 2018 struggled to get an appointment at first but they managed to get me in on an emergency appointment 15th feb 2019 was told to arrive at 1:30 but could be a long wait which I didn’t mind as was in a lot of pain was just happy I had got in. Got seen roughly around 3pm explained to the dentist that I had come in at 14 weeks pregnant with tooth ache she had examined me and advised I needed a filling however she explained due to being pregnant couldn’t have a proper filling as could not numb be but she would do a temporary filling and to just keep an eye on it if it came loose or lost come back and she will re fill as soon as I have the baby she will do a proper filling she said ok yes I remember. I made it very very very clear I was in a lot of pain she said she would numb me as she can’t do anything without numbing 3 seriously seriously painful injections later she began to drill again I made it clear I was not in any way numb I was in a lot of pain she continued to drill hit a nerve and I screamed and said I’m telling you your really hurting me she said please don’t jump I could cut you?? She then said I can see you have any infection that’s why it’s so painful let me try and numb again I honestly have never felt pain like it when she went to re numb I screamed and said please stop. The dentist then said there’s nothing I can really do until the infection has gone gave me a prescription for antibiotics and said come back in 4-5 days and infection will be gone hopefully and we will be able to actually numb you I said I’m in agony here an I going to be in this pain all weekend she said probably but if it gets to bad just call 111 they may just put you under and do the procedure??????? Go out to reception can barely speak as I’m in so much pain advise need appointment in 4 days to be told cant be fitted in until 25th March???? Over 5 weeks away bearing in mind my baby is due 23rd March in the mean time I had been on the waiting list at bridge dental and they had made me an appointment for 5th March I did say this to grange park and was told ah well we can’t get you in so just wait for that appointment as they will see you before us - so 8 months pregnant I’ve been left in pain no follow up appointment and in total distress as I’m in so much pain now thankfully I’ve got an emergency appointment with bupa this afternoon to try and sort the mess out that grange park have created the bupa dentist can’t believe I’ve been left with no follow up appointment no compassion that I can’t take anything stronger then paracetamol and a hole in my tooth that’s just been left open with an infection I can honestly say I will never ever return to grange park again I joined here as was struggling to get in with a previous dentist and had heard was good absolutely not!!! Only saving grace is the reception ladies are lovely
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Grange Park Dental Practice, Wilks Way, Grange Park, Northampton, NN4

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