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  • Darwenside Dental Practice is a dental surgery near Lancs and provides a list of procedures with a price list listed below if available. The surgery has 9 reviews with a rating of 4.7 stars out of 5.
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    Darwenside Dental Practice
    Review SourceBy:Brown
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Feb 10 2022

    Absolutely appalled at the way the receptionist has just spoken to me. I couldn’t attend an appointment due to boyfriend having covid the practice did not open till 9am so called then still at 9:01 the practice phones were off as the voicemail came on tried this twice. I have a new baby who was crying who I needed to then attend to so at 915 I got through told the receptionist my situation and she said “we’ve been quiet you haven’t called” when I have proof so she was insinuating I was lying no compassion or any listening skills she was awful she then told me I’m removed from the practice on the phone because I haven’t been in ages , yet it’s been covid for two years , that’s why I haven’t been I thought this was a disgusting way to not even ask the reason for not coming just to remove of the books? And not even have any understanding or anything just very patronising. Being a nurse my self I am disgusted with the lack of understanding from the receptionist. I understand people don’t attend and the frustration however my reason was valid and I did call at the correct time but this practice chooses to not listen to any reasons and just remove which I find so unfair? Evidence attached I called at the correct time but the practice was still closed then called again at 9:15 when was able to. Disgraceful. I then called and spoke to a lovely understanding receptionist in floods of tears because the other lady had made me feel so stupid. She was great and how a receptionist should be so I must add she was lovely.

    Darwenside Dental Practice
    Review SourceBy:Anonymous
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Aug 1 2019

    Right from the very first phone call to Darwenside it was a refreshing experience to be greeted by their friendly and helpful reception staff. Having not previously seen a dentist for about 15 years, I had spent weeks trying to find a surgery in my area that would take me on as an NHS patient before I eventually made contact with Darwenside who, to my surprise, were happy to invite me in to fill out a registration and were able to give me my first appointment within 3 weeks. My dentist was was friendly, honest and explained all of his treatment recommendations very clearly in a way that made me feel like I was involved in the decisions being made. Most importantly, despite the length of time it had been since I last visited a dentist, he didn't try to lecture me or give me a "telling off", he just spoke to me in a friendly manner and settled my nerves as I was pretty apprehensive about having not had a check-up for so long. I ended up needing a fairly deep scale and polish of my teeth. This was carried out by the dental hygienist who was again very friendly, very professional, and took care to explain all the treatment to me before carrying out the work. I was very worried about the pain but she was so gentle I hardly experienced any discomfort. I am happy to say that thanks to how good Darwenside have been with me, I am back into the routine of exercising proper care of my teeth and back to visiting the dentist on a routine basis. Highly recommend.
    Original Comment Report...

    Reply from Darwenside Dental Practice
    Fri, 02 Aug 2019 10:31:43 +0100

    Thank you for taking the time to comment on the service we provide. It's always lovely to hear that our patients feel cared for while visiting the practice.

    Darwenside Dental Practice
    Review SourceBy:MaryDay9
    Rating:..Star Rating
    May 29 2019

    It has been a very long arduous journey to find this caring practice. Who take all of your physical needs as well as you phycololgical needs into consideration.when my dentist retired in 2013 after treating me since 1983 I was not happy with his replacementi tried two different practices neither were suitable for me. I came across this practice on the NHS web site. I would like to say I have many health issues COPD as well as hypersensitive nerve syndrome, anxiety causes me to gag.the treatment I receive makes a huge difference to my whole well being. I am delighted to give this review as I feel they are caring and professional practice I advise anyone with anxiety or other issues to try to get into this practice as they will help you in every way they can. So happy with my smile.
    Original Comment Report...

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Darwenside Dental Practice, Union Street, Darwen, Lancs, BB3 0DA

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