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  • Dentist Information
  • Octagon Orthodontics is a dental surgery near High Wycombe and provides a list of procedures with a price list listed below if available. The surgery has 23 reviews with a rating of 3.8 stars out of 5.
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  •  Patient Reviews

    Octagon Orthodontics
    Review SourceBy:Anonymous
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Jul 7 2019

    If you want your child to be looked after and get great service, this is NOT the place for you. After 12 months in Octagon we ended up with zero progress and being refused any more treatment (though they kept the thousands of £ of NHS money, of course) since my son 'kept breaking the wire on the braces' Same son, same teeth, different Orthodontist (the fantastic Smiles, just down the road) and my son now has PERFECT teeth and the wire remained intact.....hmmmmm, funny that.
    Original Comment Report...

    Octagon Orthodontics
    Review SourceBy:Anonymous
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Dec 6 2018

    Recently, my daughter had an appointment to see the orthodontist at this practice. I can say that it was the most shocking and horrible experience we have had. I have never come across a person like him in the whole of NHS/ medical profession. When he first entered, he didn’t even introduce himself and didn’t interact with my daughter, other than the phrase “open your mouth”. He repeatedly left the room, and overall was only in the room for 2 minutes. Nothing was explained to us properly by him regarding the course of the treatment she would have, or even what we should be expecting from the next consultation. The way that he treated his assistant in front of us just shows that he doesn’t treat his staff well, as he made a harsh comment against her while in the same room. The whole consultation was very awkward, and we felt as if he looked down on us, for being NHS patients rather than private. I would suggest staying away from this orthodontist, as he shouldn’t be in this profession if he can’t treat his patients, or staff, with respect. Despite having a bad experience with the orthodontist, his assistant/nurse was lovely and very helpful, in fact, we got more information about the treatment from her than he offered us.
    Original Comment Report...

    Octagon Orthodontics
    Review SourceBy:Kaveeta
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Aug 2 2022

    Absolutely terrible service and I would never recommend going to this place. They have taken money and not provided the service that was promised at the beginning. I explained the issues I wanted sorted with my teeth and was told of course they would do everything I wanted and then when it came to it they just make excuse after excuse, or now apparently they don’t do the service they promised at the beginning. They have taken money upfront! Absolutely disgusting. I have also had to wait up to a hour after my appointment time to be seen and when I asked what was happening the reception act like I am an inconvenience. No apology and spoken to rudely and so condescending! Stay clear of this place!!

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Octagon Orthodontics, 31-33 Amersham Hill, High Wycombe, HP13 6NU

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