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  • Dentist Information
  • Westcombe Park Dental Practice is a dental surgery near Greenwich and provides a list of procedures with a price list listed below if available. The surgery has 35 reviews with a rating of 4.0 stars out of 5.
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  •  Patient Reviews

    Westcombe Park Dental Practice
    Review SourceBy:Charles C
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Sep 12 2019

    I had a fairly major root canal treatment on an upper molar yesterday. I had previously had quite bad toothache which I feared was an abscess but turned out was an infection if the tooth nerves, without an abscess. The root treatment took over an hour... Of course not really a pleasant experience, but was made as comfortable as it could be I think. The dentist and her team of assistants worked skilfully and politely, explaining to me from time to time what they were doing. No pain. The anaesthetic worked very well and I was surprised that as I was leaving afterwards, the usual numbness that lasts a few hours after dental treatment was not there. I was expecting some after-effects of throbbing or discomfort but I was again pleasantly surprised that pretty much straight away my mouth felt quite normal. Thank you, Westcombe Park Dental Practice!
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    Westcombe Park Dental Practice
    Review SourceBy:Anonymous
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Aug 16 2019

    I have had a lot of wear on my teeth over the years due to illness, more so than for the average person. I saw a Dentist initially for sensitivity in my front teeth which had become too uncomfortable to ignore and hadn't imagined anything could be done beyond advice to stay away from acidic things. But in fact the Dentist I saw took ownership of the problem and within a fortnight I not only can breathe without sharp pain (which was from the sensitivity) but I now don't feel ashamed to smile or hide my mouth when I talk. The work I had done was resurfacing both the back and front of my teeth and It's made a big difference to me personally as well as practically, I can't say thank you enough! It was clear from the time and focus the work was given that the person I saw was very skilled and had a high bar of expectation for her work and respect for her patient. I would recommend the treatment and Dentist I saw to anyone
    Original Comment Report...

    Westcombe Park Dental Practice
    Review SourceBy:Anonymous
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Oct 13 2020

    This dental practice feels more like a mass-production assembly line than it does a place designed to care for patients. It’s in a nice setting. But it has no soul. It’s aesthetics are only skin deep. Its flesh and bones are that of a money mill. It’s streamlined to see the maximum number of patients in the shortest possible time. That’s fine on a production line, but not a standard of care for human beings. Instead of adhering to the cost of a treatment plan, additional fees and charges are often added. Nothing too major, but it’s never a clean shave. Those little nicks and scrapes add to the bottom line. I understand that. But they are annoying. Anything contrived for profit while offering no additional value – is annoying. An unsavoury practice, to say the least. In addition, I’m not a fan of the up-sell pitch in a dental setting. As a general business practice it’s fine – especially considering, that many earn a living by commission. I don’t mind that sort of thing at a car dealership, or when I’m remodelling my kitchen – because I expect it. Maybe I’m wrong, but it feels out of place in a dental setting. I am after all, a human being – and not a commodity. My experience tells me, you cannot blame the dentists or receptionists. These are administrative decisions. The soulless blueprint – comes from the top. But from a patient perspective, it adds to my stress. The world is gripped by a pandemic and an economic recession, so I have no need of additional stress. For that reason, the next time I need dental work, I’ll be looking elsewhere. A place with a soul.

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Westcombe Park Dental Practice, 13 Station Crescent, Westcombe Park,

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