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  • Dentist Information
  • Little London Dental Clinic is a dental surgery near Chichester and provides a list of procedures with a price list listed below if available. The surgery has 25 reviews with a rating of 2.8 stars out of 5.
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  •  Patient Reviews

    Little London Dental Clinic
    Review SourceBy:Anonymous
    Rating:..Star Rating
    May 27 2021

    Had a long term problem with a crown that has become detached. Last appointment with my regular dentist produced a plan to re-attach it and do some other work. My appointment to do this was cancelled at short notice so I asked for an alternative dentist to cement this crown back in place as it keeps coming out and I was experiencing severe problems eating. I was given an appointment earlier today and after a short wait I was shown to the dentist who I was due to see. I don’t know his name -but he was the rudest man I have had the displeasure to see in many years. Firstly he ordered me to wash my hands before I was even allowed to speak despite having sanitised them 5minutes earlier. Once this was done he proceeded to ignore what I was telling him and deliver me a bollocking for even being there. He told me that my crown was not a crown -but it was an ‘inlay’ -then that he was not going to simply cement the thing into place, he had decided to put a temporary filling in instead despite my opposition to this idea. As anyone who has had one of these will know -they are useless and designed to get you out of there as quick as possible, then 24hrs later it disintegrates and you are back at square one. He then told me my appointment was not an emergency -I never requested emergency treatment and had no idea that my appointment was classified as an emergency. But regardless, that was my fault -not the receptionist who arranged this appointment. He was curt, offensive, difficult and clearly unhappy dealing with me. After some arguing and awkwardness he decided to do something -he didn’t tell me what exactly he was going to do and my mouth was full of dental appendages, so I couldn’t ask. Whilst he continued to remonstrate with me for taking his valuable time he then started telling me that the previous work on my tooth was of poor quality and would need to be re-done. When you are in the chair and vulnerable this news is the last thing you want to hear! In the end he did actually re-attach my crown/inlay -it’s rough, but it’s on there. Great. I left this rude, oafish, offensive, bad-tempered man feeling extremely stressed and angry. Despite this work being part of my planned treatment, I was still charged for it. He lectured me about pain-management and by the time I left I felt like he would he would be the one needing pain-management if I was in less control of my reactions. For the record, I had been waiting over six weeks between appointments for this loose crown/inlay to be sorted out and if I had not asked for this work to be done today I would have needed to wait THIRTEEN WEEKS to have a crown/inlay to be re-attached. Utterly ridiculous and frankly unacceptable. To be dealt with by this deeply unpleasant man was insulting and a disgrace. -This place needs to do much better.

    Little London Dental Clinic
    Review SourceBy:Steve
    Rating:..Star Rating
    May 17 2021

    Just want to say thank you to Andries and Gabi you are a fantastic team and perform first rate Dental work Thanks again Steve Woods

    Little London Dental Clinic
    Review SourceBy:Ange
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Jun 8 2021

    poor practise, hard to make an appointment and also customer service is very rude and hash over the phone

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Little London Dental Clinic, 31 Little London, Chichester, PO19 1PL

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