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  • Dentist Information
  • Brunswick Practice Ltd is a dental surgery near Hove and provides a list of procedures with a price list listed below if available. The surgery has 11 reviews with a rating of 3.5 stars out of 5.
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  •  Patient Reviews

    Brunswick Practice Ltd
    Review SourceBy:Debbie N
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Nov 30 2018

    The Dentist and Dental Nurse provided a great service for my young children and I that was executed with great care, understanding and efficiency. They fully explained the planned dental work and would check during the procedure if I was okay. The practice was quick to offer dates for appointments and I was made to feel welcome and comfortable. I would highly recommend this dental practice!
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    Brunswick Practice Ltd
    Review SourceBy:Anonymous
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Oct 18 2018

    I have phoned up yesterday to request a full NHS check up and was offered a time in a month! I had contacted practice via email asking for more information about how many patients they have registered with them to compare with other practices and was not given an answer on this. I have also mentioned that I have a pain and if there will be any cancellations and free slot earlier to let me know. A member of staff was very kind to phone me up the next day and offered an appointment the next day which I thought was a free slot to change from previously offered time in November. So, I have accepted and went to see a doctor today. I thought it would be a full NHS checkup but he has only made one X-ray and looked at one area of my toothache mentioned problem, charged me 21.60 and said I have to book a new full check up and pay for it again. I am not happy about this and did not request an emergency visit but wanted only one routine full mouth checkup. Its not fair that business driven practices are more interested to make as much money as they can from patients and not to care about proper service and save people money.
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    Brunswick Practice Ltd
    Review SourceBy:Anonymous
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Jan 29 2019

    My husband and i were both assigned to the same dentist. At his checkup my husband he was told he needed an in-depth hygiene appointment (non NHS) and a filling. Both were booked into a 45 min slot and he was given his treatment plan up front which he signed the cost for and paid a deposit (not something we’d been asked to do before) When he arrived for his treatment (I believe it was around 9am) he waited for a long time (at least 30 minutes) before being told his dentist was going to be late and he would miss his appointment. My husband was asked if he could instead come back at midday. The dentist decided to see my husband during his lunch break instead, but he didn’t have anyone assisting him. So my husband had a very traumatising clean and filling done while having to assist the dentist in clenching his teeth down on the equipment as the dentist didn’t have any assistant or spare hands. About half way through the filling treatment my husband was then told (while work was being done on him!) that there was more work to be done than previously estimated, and as such he would have to be charged extra for the additional time and work. Not in a position to argue he nodded as he couldn’t speak and the treatment was completed. He was asked to pay for everything at reception after. This seemed to be very usual to the receptionists, My own treatment went almost exactly the same way. During my checkup I was told I needed a filling which I was expecting, but the dentist was rude and impatient with me when I insisted the cavity had not been causing me trouble so far. When enquiring about NHS filling options the dentist poo pooed them and said they just cause more trouble long term and I should pay for private. I was also told I needed a deep clean (I have never needed a dental cleaning before and all my previous dentists have always commented on my good hygiene and never wanted to see me more than once a year). The dentist said he would book both in for a 45 minute slot and his assistant had to insist he booked it over two slots as he wouldn’t have enough time. Seems familiar? I noticed during that visit that there was a large patch of damp that looked mouldy in the corner of the room, and the floor was very dirty. I too was asked to pay a deposit and quoted a ridiculous amount for the clean and the filling. I declined the clean but signed my treatment plan. During my filling treatment the dentist was rude, bashed me in the face several times out of clumsiness, there were flies buzzing around my head, and I too was told half way through that it was ‘worse than expected’ and was charged an extra 40£ when unable to decline or protest. Later that day I had a horrible allergic reaction, with boils all over my body (i stated allergies on the form but fear this was ignored). I have since had severe pain in the tooth he did the filling on (it seemed very clumsy) and likely need the tooth removed. Please don’t go here!
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Brunswick Practice Ltd, Brunswick Road Dental Practice, 2 Brunswick R

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