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  • Dentist Information
  • Mr S N R Roussos is a dental surgery near Guildford and provides a list of procedures with a price list listed below if available. The surgery has 4 reviews with a rating of 2.0 stars out of 5.
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  •  Patient Reviews

    Mr S N R Roussos
    Review SourceBy:Anonymous
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Oct 15 2021

    My complaint directed to NHS is self-explanatory and is meant to inform patients of his sudden inexplicable disappearance. My complaint is against dental surgeon Dr S.N. ROUSSOS Dip. D.S. of 42A, London Road, Guildford, Surrey, GU1 2AF. telephone (01483) 300022. I have been a patient of Roussos for many years and today Thursday 14 October needed an urgent appointment. I telephoned the surgery many times only to receive a voice message of ROUSSOS shouting his name followed by a request to leave a message. In sheer frustration i eventually drove my car to the surgery to personally request an urgent appointment. On arrival at around 10am I found the surgery door locked and the surgery deserted and unoccupied. As you can imagine this was a very distressing situation leaving me without a dentist and unable to access the emergency treatment I required. It took some time and a lot of milage to eventually locate a dental surgery whom agreed to register me as a new patient. I was very fortunate. Surely Roussos should have behaved in a more ethical manner and shown common courtesy by forewarning and advising me (and other patients) in advance that he was closing the practice. If this had been done I wouldn't have suffered the distress and misery as referred to above. “I give permission for my complaint against Roussos to be shared in order for NHS England to carry out an investigation.” Dated Friday 15 October 2021

    Mr S N R Roussos
    Review SourceBy:Anonymous
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Dec 21 2018

    Arrived a few minutes early and was seen immediately so great time keeping. After a consultation was advised that he could provide a crown over an implant that someone else had done. Told me there was no problem and happy to complete the work. I was then asked to wait 30 minutes while another patient was seen. Took an impression of the area where the crown will be positioned and then requested 50% down payment for the goods which I thought was quite reasonable since there would have been costs to purchase the crown. The following morning I horrified to received a telephone call to say that he could not do the work and was not prepared to refund my fee in full. There was no mention about consultancy fees but now says that £50 will be deducted for a 5 minutes inspection of my mouth. Absolutely disgraceful !
    Original Comment Report...

    Mr S N R Roussos
    Review SourceBy:fuzzy1941-fuzzy1941@yahoi.co.uk
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Oct 16 2021

    This dentist ABANDONED his practice without notifying patients causing extreme discomfiture and considerable stress.

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Mr S N R Roussos, The Dental Practice, 42A London Road, Guildford, G

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