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  • Dentist Information
  • Marsh House Orthodontics is a dental surgery near Mitcham and provides a list of procedures with a price list listed below if available. The surgery has 21 reviews with a rating of 3.8 stars out of 5.
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  •  Patient Reviews

    Marsh House Orthodontics
    Review SourceBy:Anonymous
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Jan 25 2021

    Had a relapse so went to Marsh House for braces to pull my teeth back as it had shifted forward. Despite it saying on the notes from the beginning, that this is what I wanted and expressing concerns at nearly every appointment that my teeth are going more forward than back, at the end of the treatment they basically said sorry that your unhappy even after I showed proof from my records that my teeth have clearly gone forward. Dr Williams refused to acknowledge it and instead ignored it as he didn't want to pay my money back. Don't have your braces done here, my teeth are now worse than when I originally had the relapse! I tried getting a refund and they completely refused, basically insinuated 'Tough luck' in fake professional wording. Unfortunately I can't even get it sorted by another Ortho as most Ortho feel despite it going forward, it doesn't have any risk attached to it and it's a lot of work to fix right. So now my teeth and my jaw is different from when I originally came in IN A WORSE WAY. DO NOT GO TO THIS ORTHO FOR BRACES.

    Marsh House Orthodontics
    Review SourceBy:Anonymous
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Aug 20 2019

    We asked the dentist if braces can could go back on because there was still gaps but he refused, so now one year and half later he is forced to wear the retainer full time instead of once a week because he takes the retainer off for one day only and gaps appear. My son is worse off with having nearly 4 years of treatment. The same problem happened with the top teeth but he put the brace back on and the problem was resolved. However, he wouldn't do it for the bottom teeth. So my poor son is stuck with the problem. I suspect its because he is an NHS patient. We obviously need to get a second opinion now.
    Original Comment Report...

    Marsh House Orthodontics
    Review SourceBy:Sam
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Apr 26 2019

    On 25 April my son had an NHS appointment booked after school. His school is in Sutton and the traffic was congested coming into Mitcham. I was waiting for him in Mitcham to accompany him to the appointment. Out of courtesy, I called Marsh House to inform them that we were running 10 mins late and whether it was would still be acceptable to attend the appointment. The receptionist was rude and abrupt and said we were already 5 minutes late so no we should not attend and ended the call. My son was very upset as he had been let off school 10 minutes early in order to get to the appointment but the traffic situation coming into Mitcham was unavoidable. I also made advance arrangements with my employer to leave work early. I called Marsh House again and another receptionist took the call. She apologised for the manner in which I was dealt with and was much more understanding about the situation and offered a further appointment. I understand you need to keep to your time schedules but I got the impression that we were dealt with rudely because my son was an NHS patient. On this occasion, I was disappointed with the way I was treated by the first receptionist at Marsh House which is a shame as previous visits had been positive.
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Marsh House Orthodontics, 98 London Road, Mitcham, CR4 3LB

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