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  • Dentist Information
  • Blue Dental Clinic is a dental surgery near South Croydon and provides a list of procedures with a price list listed below if available. The surgery has 7 reviews with a rating of 3.1 stars out of 5.
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  •  Patient Reviews

    Blue Dental Clinic
    Review SourceBy:mpdoyle69
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Jul 2 2018

    The practice is under new ownership and I recently re-joined after moving back to the area. I received excellent dental treatment today, so much so that I have reviewed it here. Firstly, they are open to new NHS patients. Secondly, I made an appointment in a short time span and received treatment within a week. IMHO, the practice is well managed with a welcoming Dentist. All too rare in South London. I cannot fault it and have a further follow up in 3 months. An impressive time span. Register whilst you can. A secret like this spreads around quickly. Furthermore, I felt that a recent review with possible tones is the least I can do to thank the Dentist.
    Original Comment Report...

    Blue Dental Clinic
    Review SourceBy:Mr O
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Jun 27 2018

    I went for a routine check up, where a tooth was identified needed extraction {A root canal would not save the tooth}, and because this would be one too many teeth out the Dentist recommended dentures for the gaps. I was informed the extraction plus the dentures is a band 3 on NHS. At reception I am informed I have to pay £256.50! Of course I couldn't afford that at the time, so I asked if we could go ahead with the extraction and when I can afford Band 3 for the dentures I will get the dentures. I was told , No, I could pay for the day's visit on band 1, however I would need to pay the balance before a date could be agreed for me to come for the extraction. Thankfully, pain from the tooth subsided and hence I didn't need to return immediately for the extraction. However a few weeks later the pain became unbearable. Hence I called in to see if I could book an appointment for the tooth to be extracted. I was told, not until I paid the balance for Band 3! Thankfully using Corsdyl and brushing twice a day the pain subsided. Mid-May, the tooth in question cracked. I called up to see if now I could come get the tooth extracted on Band 2, and in the near future when I can afford Band 3 I could get the dentures. The receptionist said, {this was a Tuesday} she will ask the dentist and get back to me. In pain and finding it very difficult to chew I waited for the return call, but got nothing throughout Wednesday. Thursday I call up again, she apologises that she hasn't had the chance to speak with the dentist she will talk with the dentist and get back to me. Cut the long story short,....I am still waiting for that call back! If money and the fees you charge are your priority by all means go completely private so anyone walking through the door knows I am paying or I won't be seen! They did the very same thing my wife back in 2013. We called up, they were accepting new NHS patients, she was in pain, we attended, she was seen, the dentist only informed her she will need a root canal. She comes out to the reception and is handed a bill for band 3 as the dentist had already started the treatment for a root canal {But this wasn't communicated to my wife}. Thankfully then we had the money and were able to make payment. So, don't you worry Blue Dental, you still have my wife's custom as she absolutely appreciates the expertise of Dentist and the way he has taken care of her teeth. As for myself, the least you could have done is booked me in to see how bad the crack was and what could be done, but alas the decency was not in you. Thank you for making it easy to find a better surgery. I was seen, I was given my options, I was referred, and yes, the tooth is now out. And to think dentures is not the best option when the gaps are not together, I am going for implants which will be done by my new surgery!
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    Blue Dental Clinic
    Review SourceBy:User798209
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Oct 19 2018

    I visited Blue Dental as recommendation from a friend of mine and it was up to standard I have been informed by my friend, the New Dentist is very nice and calm and gives you that feeling of welcomed. I have been informed by my treatment plan, dates set up and treatment commenced in line with my availability. Price was very reasonable for part of the private work I had. Thanks Blue Dental, Highly recommend.
    Original Comment Report...

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Blue Dental Clinic, Bluedental, 456 Brighton Road, South Croydon, CR2

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