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  • Mr M R Cramp is a dental surgery near St Leonards-on-Sea and provides a list of procedures with a price list listed below if available. The surgery has 7 reviews with a rating of 3.9 stars out of 5.
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  •  Patient Reviews

    Mr M R Cramp
    Review SourceBy:Anonymous
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Jan 23 2023

    I had mr angelov as my dentist who subsequently retired , the replacement dentist I saw when I had an abscess forcibly moved the infected tooth so much it made my head move , he then told me it was loose and needed removing even though my gum was infected and swollen , I declined his offer after he told me it would show I had a gap when I smiled and an implant would cost 3,000 and I would need bone grafts , I’ve only ever visited him once before , mr angelov would have previously spotted it if my tooth had been that loose , my mental health was greatly affected by his attitude and the fact that as an nhs patient, I don’t really matter

    Mr M R Cramp
    Review SourceBy:Claudia Kappenberg
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Sep 16 2019

    I have been registered with the surgery for a few years, so far so goo. Last week I called them with a need for an urgent appointment as a tooth with an old crown had suddenly gone extremely sore as was the jaw below. The dentist acknowledged an infection of the tooth, but sent me away with antibiotics and an appointment for root canal treatment in 3 weeks. I barely made it through the night for pain, my jaw swelling. I called back but got no reply (it was a Friday), so i ended up at the emergency dentist that night, who quickly diagnosed an abscess below the tooth which had also ruptured. He drilled into the crown, took out the root, drained the abscess and gave me a temporary filling. Not a nice procedure but it hugely relived the pain and pressure. Why did my dentist not spot that this was urgent? As the emergency dentist showed me on the xray, the abscess had been there for a while and deformed the base of the tooth, meaning that a root canal filling may no longer be successful and I might loose the tooth. I appreciate a conservative approach to invasive treatment, but given my pain and that this was visible on the xray why did he not act? And shouldn't he have spotted this months earlier when I went for check-ups and xrays were taken? I would have thought that a comparison between new xrays with older ones could have shown the evidence, but perhaps this is not standard practice.
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    Mr M R Cramp
    Review SourceBy:Anonymous
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Dec 12 2018

    My family has been with Ivo Angelov at this practice for years. Wonderful dentist, very gentle and reassuring, who also gives useful tips on maintaining good dental health day-to-day. We are so lucky to have this NHS practice in our neighbourhood. The surgery is light, airy, and well-maintained. Reception staff are friendly and helpful. My husband has also been to other dental staff at the practice when he needed emergency treatment, and all have been excellent.
    Original Comment Report...

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Mr M R Cramp, Springfield Dental Care, 6 Springfield Road, St Leonard

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