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  • Dentist Information
  • East Oxford Dental Clinic is a dental surgery near Oxford and provides a list of procedures with a price list listed below if available. The surgery has 21 reviews with a rating of 3.2 stars out of 5.
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  •  Patient Reviews

    East Oxford Dental Clinic
    Review SourceBy:Anonymous
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Aug 11 2019

    The system of making an out of hours emergency dental appointment through NHS 111 was a bureaucratic nightmare and their overriding reluctance to offer urgent treatment was clear. Although I was in the building at the opening time they would not let me in despite the fact that they had no other patients there for the whole of the first hour (we could see this through the door window). The treatment itself was poor and inadequate. Whatever it was that they put on my tooth, it fell out the following day and they would not repair it despite having taken payment. This service was largely a waste of NHS resources as the main priority of the staff appeared to be keeping people away rather than giving urgent treatment to patients needing it. If someone had described this service to me, I would not have believed it - the experience was so totally absurd, the details beggar belief.
    Original Comment Report...

    East Oxford Dental Clinic
    Review SourceBy:Anonymous
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Mar 27 2019

    The dentists and nurses are all very helpful, understanding, patient and caring. I can't fault them. The entire place is let down by one receptionist. Every time I come here I find them to be rude, dismissive and often argumentative. I have been coming here for years now and this has been the only problem I have ever encountered for years of attending. I have witnessed the attitude towards myself and other patients here. Such a shame because that is the first person you see when you enter the clinic and it sets a negative tone for the entire place. Luckily the rest of the staff are wonderful and do redeem the service, just.
    Original Comment Report...

    East Oxford Dental Clinic
    Review SourceBy:Anonymous
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Feb 8 2019

    I used to be an extremely nervous patient due to really bad experience in the past. But now I do not mind coming to your dentist any more; in fact, I normally enjoy it, even if I need a treatment, not only a check-up. I wouldn't have thought that might be possible. It is unbelievable that I can sit in the waiting room and be totally calm and relaxed. I don't even mind waiting because I know I'm in the best hands. My dentist put me at ease as soon as I saw him for the very first time (which was many years ago) and I have been his patient ever since. I would never go anywhere else. Treatments are always painless, so there is really nothing to worry about. The dentist is not only excellent but he is also amazingly kind, patient and understanding. He explains everything very clearly and answers all my questions - and he always makes me laugh! It's such a shame that I cannot send all of my friends (especially the anxious ones) to him! I also like the huge waiting room. It's very nice and comfortable.
    Original Comment Report...

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East Oxford Dental Clinic, East Oxford Health Centre, Manzil Way, Cow

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