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  • Dentist Information
  • Gillies Dental Centre is a dental surgery near Basingstoke and provides a list of procedures with a price list listed below if available. The surgery has 5 reviews with a rating of 1.8 stars out of 5.
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  •  Patient Reviews

    Gillies Dental Centre
    Review SourceBy:Anonymous
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Mar 24 2022

    There is one rude receptionist and she is also not helpful in the slightest and seems to get annoyed if you keep asking questions, also I went to the dentist for a check up after two years of not going...I was out in 5 mins, he didn't even check every tooth, just seems like they want to boot you out as soon as possible.

    Gillies Dental Centre
    Review SourceBy:Anonymous
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Apr 29 2019

    Went in today after having to have emergency treatment at another practice over the weekend, they just made do until I could get to my own dentist, now I haven't been for a while, so they informed me that I had been deregistered, which is fair enough, so I ask what I can do, as I am in a lot of pain, and was informed that they were full and could not register me, come back in June, now you have to realise that I am in immense pain and it is April, so I asked if there was anything else I can do, you can pay, what I can come here with the same dentist but have to pay, "yes" was the reply, I can't afford to pay was my reply, we cant help you then, but I am in a lot of pain, I understand that but we cant help you unless you pay, all I can say is the bedside manner was either left at home, or they are just very rude, left feeling very let down, and not helped in anyway, come on customer service just means be nice to people, even if you are unable to help them.
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    Gillies Dental Centre
    Review SourceBy:Matt Savage
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Nov 15 2018

    I have always been quite nervous of Dentists after a bad experience years ago, however I have found the dentist to be superb, she explains what she is going to do and is always conscious that you are ok, she then explains and shows everything at the end. I have also seen other reviews that say reception is bad, I have no complaints at all, they are always helpful and friendly. Thank you!!!
    Original Comment Report...

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Gillies Dental Centre, The Gillies Health Centre, Sullivan Road, Basi

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