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  • Dentist Information
  • Chineham Dental Surgery is a dental surgery near Basingstoke and provides a list of procedures with a price list listed below if available. The surgery has 13 reviews with a rating of 3.8 stars out of 5.
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  •  Patient Reviews

    Chineham Dental Surgery
    Review SourceBy:Mr James Reid
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Mar 15 2018

    The staff in this surgery are quite astonishing. They are very professional from the moment you step through the door at the reception to the dentist's chair. We are very lucky to have our dentist. He is so compassionate and skilful at his job and the fear of the dentist visit has hugely diminished since we changed surgery to this one. There is no pressure to have treatment unless necessary and all options are discussed. We have been a few times now and the standard remains as high as each previous visit.
    Original Comment Report...

    Reply from Chineham Dental Surgery
    Fri, 16 Mar 2018 12:08:07 Z

    Thank you for your kind words and we have shared your pleasant experience with our team. We endeavour to do this for all our patients.

    Chineham Dental Surgery
    Review SourceBy:Anonymous
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Nov 15 2017

    I had visited the dental surgery to register to become a patient. The receptionist I spoke with was extremely rude, unhelpful and dismissive. I was given, abruptly, a form to fill out and told to come back once it had been completed fully. With this in mind I did so and returned the form and was told, again very abruptly, to call in a few days to make an appointment for January. The website says the staff would book me an appointment, however this was not the case as I should call at a later stage. I was experiencing pain and had asked for an emergency appointment. The receptionist simply said that it was not possible and to speak with 111. I am very disappointed so far with the level of service the reception staff showed me and how dismissive the attitude was. Unsure to return here.
    Original Comment Report...

    Reply from Chineham Dental Surgery
    Mon, 27 Nov 2017 14:14:30 Z

    Thank you for your feedback. We take complaints very seriously and investigate them in full, to learn and improve our care and service. We have tried to address your feedback with our Receptionists, but your feedback is anonymous with no names, dates or times mentioned, makes it difficult for us to follow up as we get new patients regularly wanting to register. Our Receptionists have always been complimented as courteous and helpful. The Receptionists follow the procedure we have for registering new patients. We require patients to complete their medical history, prior to booking appointments so as the dentist is familiar with their medical conditions at the first appointment, to do an oral health assessment, before any treatment can be prescribed. Had you been a patient of the surgery this would not have been necessary, and an emergency appointment offered to you. Without any record of your medical history or oral health assessment, it is not feasible to offer you an emergency appointment. Furthermore, demand for appointments at this time of the year is usually high as we approach Christmas. We would welcome you as a patient, so please register with the Practice and we will endeavour to get you an assessment appointment as soon as we can in the New Year.

    Chineham Dental Surgery
    Review SourceBy:Anonymous
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Oct 18 2018

    A very abrupt response to NHS patience trying to book a first appointment. Very unwelcoming. A simple yes we re taking new people or no we are not would have been satisfying. The response was everyone call back Thursday at 10am, only to get frustrated because the lines are blocked. I called three other dentists in the area who all had spaces. Vee disappointed. So no appointment, no treatment.
    Original Comment Report...

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Chineham Dental Surgery, Chineham Dental Practice, 54 Reading Road, C

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