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  • Dentist Information
  • Smile Dental Care is a dental surgery near Swindon and provides a list of procedures with a price list listed below if available. The surgery has 5 reviews with a rating of 1.8 stars out of 5.
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  •  Patient Reviews

    Smile Dental Care
    Review SourceBy:Anonymous
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Jan 7 2019

    I visited this dentist few times. I find the dentist rude. I feel like i was spoken to in demeaning way. The receptionist isn't any better as well. I've sinced changed my dentist.
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    Smile Dental Care
    Review SourceBy:Anonymous
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Nov 12 2018

    We have been using this practise for years now and until today had been lucky enough to never need anything other than check ups. My son complained of toothache over the weekend so I phoned for an appointment and was given one during school hours. I was told take it or leave it, so I took it. We were slightly late getting (due to my son not being ready when I arrived to pick him up from school), and the receptionist was extremely rude telling us he would not be seen due to our lateness. I explained that I had rushed across town from work for this appointment and had tried our hardest to be on time. I explained my son was in pain, and he was by this point very distressed by the thought that he would not be seen today and had missed school for nothing. The receptionist then sarcastically told me I'd better try harder tomorrow to make an appointment. How can someone be so cold when faced with a crying 9 year old who is clearly in pain! This woman has no medical knowledge or training and yet she is able to judge that my son can wait another 24 hours before getting treatment! Never mind the fact that they are ALWAYS running late when we go for our appointments and we usually wait at least 10 minutes before being seen, and are always on time. I appreciate they have a business to run but a little empathy costs nothing.
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    Smile Dental Care
    Review SourceBy:Mandy
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Nov 1 2017

    i just want to say a very big thankyou to my dentist for doing my teeth today. I was just going for a filling but my dentist noticed a big chip in my front tooth which made me feel paranoid every time I smiled. My dentist refilled it for me and what a great job they have done plus a great job on a fillin I needed as well. My dentist always makes me feel at ease and it doesn’t hurt one bit, best dentist by far and a very lovely member of staff!
    Original Comment Report...

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Smile Dental Care, Eldene Medical Centre, Eldene, Swindon, SN3 3RZ

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