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  • Community Dental Service/ Manchester University Dental Student Teaching Clinic is a dental surgery near Salford and provides a list of procedures with a price list listed below if available. The surgery has 2 reviews with a rating of 3.0 stars out of 5.
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    Community Dental Service/ Manchester University Dental Student Teaching Clinic
    Review SourceBy:Jade
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Jan 2 2019

    I brought my 7 year old son here a few times, 1st and 2nd time was fine 3rd time was terrible never again will I bring my son here. He has mental problems (which they obviously didn’t read about) the way they treated him was disgusting! He has issues with senses and textures and the two horrible members of staff were nasty they was telling him off for not letting them buy stuff in he’s teeth telling him he’s rude and naughty and he won’t be getting any treats after also saying that he would have to come back to get it done again because he’s a silly boy who isn’t brave!! After nearly an hour of them trying with him they finally gave up and gave me a slip to take to the desk to make an appointment to bring him back but I put it straight in the bin. My son was in tears traumatised for the rest of the day so thanks to the not so lovely horrible staff he’s scarred for life he won’t ever step foot in a dentist or hospital again it was difficult just getting him here in the first place so WELL DONE!!!
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    Community Dental Service/ Manchester University Dental Student Teaching Clinic
    Review SourceBy:Anonymous
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Nov 8 2017

    I attended the clinic having been with a private dentist for nearly twenty years and having always had regular dental care from childhood. Prior to coming to the clinic, I was having three-monthly scale and polish appointments, as I suffer from excessive plaque. For many years, on the advice of my dentist, I had cleaned my teeth every time I ate, but this did not prevent the build up of plaque. They believed I lacked a protective enzyme in my saliva which meant that the plaque could adhere more easily to my teeth. As a result, I had bleeding gums despite constantly using Tepes, wearing a gum guard at night to reduce the effects of clenching and by keeping my mouth as clean as possible. By the time I attended the clinic, I had almost given up. From the outset, the detailed attention of the students and of the supervisor meant that my problems could be identified more carefully and a succession of deep-cleans using anaesthetic stripped away the accumulated plaque above gum level. The result of the meticulous work done by the students under the supervision of the senior dentist has relieved my gums of decades of debris and of the inflammation this caused. I am amazed at the difference this has made. The examination of my mouth also revealed loose teeth at the front caused by the gum protector sold to me by my previous dentist. The new gum shield made for me by the students is far superior and my upper front teeth are now firm in the gums. I was also given detailed information about how and when to clean my teeth. Had I not attended the clinic, my teeth and gums would have continued to deteriorate and the danger to my general health as a result of sustained gum disease would have increased with time. I cannot thank the students and the supervisor enough for the meticulous care and attention showed during my time there. I am very grateful for their skill: I know I will always have to battle against the accumulation of plaque, but I now believe I will keep my teeth and I am confident that my overall health will benefit from their excellent work.
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