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  • Dentist Information
  • Bright Dental Practice is a dental surgery near Harrow and provides a list of procedures with a price list listed below if available. The surgery has 5 reviews with a rating of 3.2 stars out of 5.
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  •  Patient Reviews

    Bright Dental Practice
    Review SourceBy:Anonymous
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Sep 14 2021

    I felt they were not really interested in my oral health, only interested in taking money, and accusing one of being dishonest. Go elsewhere.

    Bright Dental Practice
    Review SourceBy:Anonymous
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Mar 8 2021

    I’ve been attending this practice since 2013, as i had moved homes and my previous dentist had set the bar high for brilliant service. I was expecting a similar standard here and although it wasn’t the best it was close to home so I stuck with them. The female dentist and hygienist were good and advised me well on my wisdom teeth extraction. However the service declined in the last 1.5 years where I didn’t really feel motivated to visit as I found the last hygienist to be quite aggressive and blunt with both her manner and technique. The receptionist has changed and is also rather abrupt as opposed to the nepalese lady. I phoned in today requesting an appointment as I have had a few sleepless nights with stress of a hard immobile lump found on my jaw bone. Naturally I was slightly on edge as like anyone else I have been on google finding out all kinds of sinister things it could be. I confided in the receptionist and before I could finish, she bluntly and coldly replied that she will not book me for an appointment as I have cancelled and rescheduled a few appointments in the past 8 years - I believe she said 4 , and so the male dentist ( who I’ve never seen) is not happy with me for the cancellations. She went on to Name a missed appointment in February 2020 where I had to reschedule as I had flu like symptoms, to which she implied I was lying as covid wasn’t around then. Was she living under a rock !? This is probably why the virus spread so rapidly as there are ignorant people like her who exist. I am a health practitioner and of course at the time I was in contact with patients without PPE who had been travelling abroad without restriction so I had to be cautious and not attend an appointment If I felt I could become a super spreader. In the end after going back and forth trying to protest my reasons with the receptionist I gave up and said It’s probably best I go elsewhere as I don’t believe they would offer me the best service now as I had ‘red’ marks on the diary near my name. She also explained that I am an ‘nhs’ patient, again implying that I wouldn’t be of much benefit to the business. I was happy to pay for a private consultation if it meant I wouldn’t receive such an attitude. This practice doesn’t care about the health of patients, they just want to make a quick buck and Havent realised that a happy patient means better business revenue. The receptionist then went onto say that no one else in the area will give me an appointment either as everyone is busy. I rang a few Practices up and they were more than accommodating due to the urgency of my issue. I was honest and explained that the nature of my job meant that I did call and cancel with notice on some occasions but they were understanding and displayed empathy. Since when did it become a crime to reschedule appointments with notice !? Life isn’t always so straightforward and doesn’t always go according to plan. I would’ve expected a bit more empathy from a health practitioner during such unprecedented times where people are going through a lot of hardship. Shame on this practice! I hope they will change their ways soon!

    Bright Dental Practice
    Review SourceBy:Mahzad
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Mar 1 2018

    I have seen both dentist in this practice and both are very good .
    Original Comment Report...

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Bright Dental Practice, 300 Kenton Road, Harrow, HA3 8DD

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