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  • Dentist Information
  • Patel, RV (The Orthodontic Practice) is a dental surgery near Derby and provides a list of procedures with a price list listed below if available. The surgery has 10 reviews with a rating of 4.1 stars out of 5.
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  •  Patient Reviews

    Patel, RV (The Orthodontic Practice)
    Review SourceBy:Anonymous
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Jul 9 2019

    My son has visited this place twice in two years, on my first visit I was impressed with how one particular dentist and the practise staff spoke to my son (the patient) and then to myself, on our most recent visit (08/07/19) I loved it even more & the firmness in which this dentist spoke about gum disease, his delivery was awesome, firm, clear and precise in which my son (11) understood and took fully on board, loads of things to think about going forward. This dentist is awesome, thank you for your time in explaining and answering the questions. We might have 5 years of visits ahead & if this dentist is there for each one, it'll be a blessing, great guy!!
    Original Comment Report...

    Patel, RV (The Orthodontic Practice)
    Review SourceBy:Anonymous
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Jul 1 2019

    Today we visited for the 2nd time & I can honestly say- I left feeling as if I had been verbally bashed. We had a previous problem with a missing adult tooth & although we’re told there was nothing to be done as purely cosmetic (in a 14year old) . We were recalled & the orthodontist questioned why we were there. Xrays had failed to be passed on to our regular dental practice , we were spoken too in a very patronising manner & I felt that that the focus was on my daughter not qualifying for braces! Something that we have never asked for or mentioned during any of our two visits. The dentist was dismissive, refused to listen to our response to his questions & generally had an aggressive & unfriendly manner. We were told that dentists often make mistakes, he had 20 years experience & he was not seeing NHS patients after August on more than 20 occasions. I would not recommend the dentist & unfortunately my daughter left feeling quite upset, I was shocked we had been spoken to in the manner that we had. The staff are friendly & helpful & almost seem to cringe when he is talking.
    Original Comment Report...

    Patel, RV (The Orthodontic Practice)
    Review SourceBy:Helen Bates
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Mar 8 2019

    We went to this dentist after seeing another orthodontist who traumatised my son with the possibility of a jaw block saying that it was better than breaking his jaw as an adult and putting plates in! We then went to see this dentist who had a very different and understanding approach. It’s clear he’s very experienced in his field. Within 15 months my son now has beautiful straight teeth without any jaw block or teeth removal. In my experience The dentist is extremely knowledgeable in what he does and has done a great job for us! Extremely pleased with the results. Hope he continues to help many more children in the future!
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Patel, RV (The Orthodontic Practice), 5 St. James Court, Friar Gate,

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