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  • ORTHODONTIC GALLERY is a dental surgery near Stanmore and provides a list of procedures with a price list listed below if available. The surgery has 4 reviews with a rating of 1.5 stars out of 5.
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  •  Patient Reviews

    Review SourceBy:Anonymous
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Dec 31 2021

    I am satisfied with the treatment and the outcome. I had quite disorderly teeth and now have a perfect smile. I had my braces removed 3 years ago, but had to contact the surgery recently to receive new retainers as the old ones were worn out. I received the new ones very quickly. I'm glad I chose this surgery.

    Review SourceBy:Anonymous
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Oct 24 2017

    My daughter is being treat in Stanmore orthodontic gallery for a year now. My daughter has been recently diagnosed with moderate special need I verbally informed dentist and their assistant about it. My daughter's word processing time is a bit longer than a normal child for example doctor told my daughter that her gums are red. My daughter said what does gum mean (eventhough she knows what are the gums, because her processing time is long so asked what is gum.) doctor's assistant started to make fun of my daughter oh at this age you don't know what does gum mean. The assistant said to my daughter we want to fix your voncky teeth but your oral hygiene is not good( the way she said voncky teeth my daughter was really upset when she came out of surgery she was about to cry)despite knowing my daughters condition doctors assistant was making fun of my daughte that assistant threatened me because my daughter's gum are a bit red assistant told me that my daughter doesn't clean her teeth properly I told them that my daughter has weak visual skills and weak visual memory therefore I supervise her while she cleans her teeth but sometimes I can't supervise because I work full time and I am a single mother so sometime I am tired or busy. Assistant threatened me by saying that they have authority to involve social services and drag me to court because of my to daughters poor oral hygiene.if on one visit my daughter has standard oral hygiene and next visit that assistant would tell me that my daughter never had standard hygiene I would tell them on last visit dentist told me that my daughter had standard hygeine but the assistant would deny because they always write negative comments on my daughters record. Is been one week I visited the dentist and I am still in shock I can't sleep properly. I wonder is this a case of bullying or no respect or dignity for patient or missuse of power and how many people been bullied by this dental nurse or dental assistant. In Stanmore orthodontic gallery almost every staff member think they are doing favour by fixing kids teeth but they don't I work full time and pay tax and that's why my children are getting free treatment.
    Original Comment Report...

    Review SourceBy:Anonymous
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Oct 18 2017

    I was approximately 1 minute late for my daughter's 09.20 appointment and was seen over 50 minutes later. This was because the dentist said, on their computer my arrival time was 09.31. I arrived and registered at reception and was sitting down by 09.24 (time by my phone and dentist's wall clock). How on earth was it 09.31? The dentist in their own judgement decided to ignore our presence and kept seeing other patients who had come after us. When I asked the dentist they just turned to their computer and told me if we arrive late they will not keep other patients waiting. The arrogance of the dentist and their receptionist was distasteful. An unfortunate and upsetting experience.
    Original Comment Report...

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ORTHODONTIC GALLERY, Suite 3, Stanmore Towers, 8-14 Church Road, Sta

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