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  • Dentist Information
  • The Elizabeth Street Dental Centre is a dental surgery near Corby and provides a list of procedures with a price list listed below if available. The surgery has 19 reviews with a rating of 3.5 stars out of 5.
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  •  Patient Reviews

    The Elizabeth Street Dental Centre
    Review SourceBy:jan keclik
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Mar 26 2023

    I have been attending this surgery for many years..my dentist Manjit Bains is always welcoming,friendly and very professional...

    The Elizabeth Street Dental Centre
    Review SourceBy:Anonymous
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Feb 21 2023

    I have left this practice and gone private because they are that bad. I had a small hole in my tooth which was filled with a temporary filling. It took so long to get an appointment that it had gone bad under the tooth. The tooth was filled i found today below the gum line by new dentist. It should have had a crown. It was allowed to get so bad because of the long wait. Also whilst she was scrapping out the tooth she nicked the top of the gum in mouth causing an infection. I went back to the practice and saw her and another dentist asking for antibiotics to clear the infection. They refused to prescribe them for me. I was pain for 2 weeks and couldnt eat properly. I went to the emergency dentist and was given antibiotic's and the infection cleared up. They denied they had nicked my mouth and tried to blame it on my bite. It wasnt my bite i have never gad a problem with it before and i know she nicked my mouth because i felt it even through the anaesthetic! The new dentist today has removed the filling and put a temporary filling over part of the tooth thats left. I am going back to the new Dentist to be measured up for a crown. I have also been unhappy with previous dental work leaving me unable to chew on one side of my mouth. I have made a complaint to the NHS about this practice. I am going to be left really out of pocket paying privately for a crown they should have done! Not to mention the pain i was in with the infection!

    The Elizabeth Street Dental Centre
    Review SourceBy:Anonymous
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Mar 4 2019

    As an extremely anxious patient I was dreading the prospect of having two teeth extracted, I was given the option of being referred on and having sedation for the procedure but braved having the teeth out within the dental surgery and I received outstanding care from my dentist and the dental nurse. My dentist was very reassuring and explained everything so calmly and gave me lots of opportunity to ask questions before and after the procedure. The procedure itself was painless and went well. Post extraction care was highlighted and given to me also in writing which was good to read through once I got home. So grateful to both Dentist and Dental Nurse for providing outstanding care.
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