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  • Dentist Information
  • Orthoworld is a dental surgery near Colchester and provides a list of procedures with a price list listed below if available. The surgery has 6 reviews with a rating of 2.3 stars out of 5.
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  •  Patient Reviews

    Review SourceBy:Anonymous
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Feb 13 2019

    Abysmal practice, as a patient of over two years and still with plastic retainers, I am appalled by the amount of disregard towards me as a person. I’m in chronic pain with my gums especially, which shouldn’t be the case. Now approaching 16 with no more progress than when I was 12 - with severe problems, I’m anxious to talk to any one, this isn’t exactly great considering I’m attending college next year. When at appointments, you can garentee this: lateness, rudeness and dismissal towards the patient.
    Original Comment Report...

    Review SourceBy:Chick-a-chees
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Jul 13 2018

    I cannot recommend this practice highly enough!! They have managed to transform my sons teeth into perfection, something we didn’t ever expect could be achieved due to severe jaw problems! At the very start they where honest and upfront about the difficult road ahead but I felt it was worth trying and the results are outstanding! This is down to the dedication of all the staff at Ortho world! I was aware that one of the dentists was a little rough on an occasion but after my son spoke up politely but firmly they were absolutely fine, how can someone know if you don’t tell them? The reception staff have always been superb! Many a time I have needed to book my son in for a quick repair and have always managed to get a before school appointment! Overall I find everyone at this practice polite, kind and I can’t fault the service they provide! A fantastic team!! 5*
    Original Comment Report...

    Reply from Orthoworld
    Wed, 18 Jul 2018 11:30:03 +0100

    Dear Patient, Thank you very much for the very kind comments that you have recently made regarding our practice and for taking the time to leave them; it is very much appreciated and we look forward to welcoming you back to the practice in the future. Kind Regards, Practice Manager

    Review SourceBy:Anonymous
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Jan 13 2018

    This orthodontist only allows you to have your braces tightened during school times which means missing valuble time during lesson. When i first went i was told i would have my braces on for a few years and then i will have a plastic retainer afterwards. After seeing a few orthodontics and being referred to the hospital it was decided to take two teeth out. Half way through my treatment i heard the orthodontic say to the nurse they should of only taken 1 out. Im a very nervous patient but they didnt seem to care. They were rough and took 2 and half hours to put my braces on as the orthodontic kept going to other patients while sorting out my braces. I was laid down for so long i felt faint afterwards. He should of just been concentrating on me. They take on too many patients, they say you should get your braces tightened every 8 weeks but they never have appointments its always 10 weeks or more this then slows down treatment time. I always get there 5 minutes before my appointment but i always end up waiting even if im the first patient. They are always running late and ive had to wait over an hour to see someone. They cancel appointments and say they have rung you when they haven't,i turn up there to find my appointment is cancelled but i was not told. I then had to take time off work which i didnt get paid for. Ive had my braces off for nearly a year, getting my braces off was the worst experience the staff was very rough. I got a metal retainer put in which i wasnt aware i was getting one. I had to go back every month because it kept breaking but they always blamed me when it would break during the night. My teeth are now overlapping again and i feel like it was pointless to get braces. Find another orthodontist or go private its so much easier.
    Original Comment Report...

    Reply from Orthoworld
    Tue, 23 Jan 2018 10:00:21 Z

    Dear Patient, Thank you for your feedback. I am very sorry to hear that you have been unhappy with the service that has been provided by our practice. We understand that a trip to the dentist is not always a pleasant experience; therefore it is important to us that our practices provide all patients with the service they deserve. We have taken your comments on board, and your concerns and will always look to improve the way we work so that it is suitable for our patients. If you wish to speak to our patient support department in more detail about the experience you have had, you can call us on 01204 799 799 option 1 or email patientsupport@mydentist.co.uk, where a member of the team would like to discuss your concerns. Kind Regards, Patient Support Team

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Orthoworld, Orthoworld Colchester, 41 East Hill, Roseberry Avenue, Co

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