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  • Dentist Information
  • Littleton Road Dental Practice is a dental surgery near Manchester and provides a list of procedures with a price list listed below if available. The surgery has 8 reviews with a rating of 1.6 stars out of 5.
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  •  Patient Reviews

    Littleton Road Dental Practice
    Review SourceBy:Anonymous
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Nov 25 2020

    Rude staff, and not just the dentist! Not to mention they treat you like a junkie, thanks to the area being filled with junkies! They are just terrible! Like they most likely just care about money and don't care about your health!

    Littleton Road Dental Practice
    Review SourceBy:Anonymous
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Apr 3 2019

    I have been going to this dentist since the days of the previous dentist. He was an excellent dentist. Since he retired the dental practice has spiralled downwards. Every time I go for an inspection the dentist has changed. The latest one seems to just want to get as much money out of you as possible. When I went for my latest inspection I reported that I had a bit of pain in a wisdom tooth area. The dentist prescribed me antibiotics, which was fine but did not continue with the dental inspection. I still had to pay approximately £21 and had to make a new appointment for a few weeks later. When I attended that appointment he started going on about gum disease and that the NHS do not treat gum disease. I had to pay the £21 again and another appointment has been made for further treatment which I will have to pay for separately. When I used to go for inspections any treatment for that inspection was all included in 1 cost. Now they are charging for every visit, even if it is part of the same treatment. The dentist is very young, brash and not very good at making things clear. He is also very rough. When I left after my last appointment my mouth was hurting even though I had no actual treatment. I have no problem with the other members of the practise. The dental nurse has been there for years and is very friendly and the receptionist seems to be fine.
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    Littleton Road Dental Practice
    Review SourceBy:Anonymous
    Rating:..Star Rating
    May 28 2021

    Dentist lady is quite rude never greeted me when I go into the room just looked from her computer looked at me an looked away. If people are coming from NHS you still treat them as you would a full paying customer. I wouldn’t recommend this dentist place they make you feel uneasy. The lady wanted to do an x ray so she tried to get the bit in my mouth and it wouldn’t go all the way in so she just said oh we will get the hospital to do it. I told her I traveled a long way here for this x ray so please try again

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Littleton Road Dental Practice, Smart Dental Care, 311 Littleton Road

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