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  • Dentist Information
  • P.B. Robinson & Associates is a dental surgery near Doncaster and provides a list of procedures with a price list listed below if available. The surgery has 25 reviews with a rating of 2.7 stars out of 5.
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  •  Patient Reviews

    P.B. Robinson & Associates
    Review SourceBy:Cícero silva
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Jan 6 2021

    Absolutely disgusting,

    P.B. Robinson & Associates
    Review SourceBy:Anonymous
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Aug 28 2019

    I went to visit this dentist last year for some treatment for toothache, and was seen by a dentist who carried out an examination on my teeth. I asked what the options were and told that root canal was the best bet, and I should go for that. I chose to have this procedure done and regretted it from that moment forth. I was rushed in out of the consulation, given very little care instruction and hurried out of the room following the procedure being carried out. After a few hours I was in horrendous pain, and called the dentists to inform them, being told by the clearly more qualified than me receptionist that it was normal and if it continued I was to ring back, incidentally it continued and I called back. The filling I had done after the treatment was loose, so I had to return to get it looked at, it was checked and redone but still felt strange. Having very little faith in this being dealt with properly by Robinson's I decided to leave it and see how it went. A few weeks later the filling was completely gone and the tooth was hurting worse than ever.. I chose not to return to Robinson's following this as I had no faith in their ability, contacting NHS 111 and getting treatment elsewhere. I visited a different dentist for emergency treatment and ended up having to have the tooth removed. The dentist there said it was the worst root canal she had ever seen. I would absolutely not recommend that my enemies attend this dental practice, let alone my friends. I am appalled that they can even be allowed to practice, and have already made enquiries about getting treatment elsewhere, as I would not return to Robinson's if they offered me free dental treatment for life.
    Original Comment Report...

    P.B. Robinson & Associates
    Review SourceBy:Gary
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Jul 11 2019

    Unfortunately on registering my 1 year old son we missed the 1st appointment due to a family issue and me being a stay at home dad the appointment went over my head. We recieved a letter by this surgery to rebook, when I did so I was met by what sounded like a very cold receptionist who had no empathy and told me to go elsewhere and that they were not rebooking. There are not any other dentists taking on at the moment so I am horrified that my one year old son cannot get the important appointments he needs and has to suffer because of my mistake which was an honest one and was explained. If this is the kind of service anyway then...
    Original Comment Report...

    Reply from P.B. Robinson & Associates
    Fri, 12 Jul 2019 09:51:12 +0100

    Thank you for posting your comments on NHS choices, I am sorry that you have had an unsatisfactory experience at our practice. If you would like to ring the practice on 01302 782206 and ask to speak to Mrs Hincks the practice manager, I'm sure that another appointment can be made for your son.

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P.B. Robinson & Associates, 325 Bentley Road, Doncaster, DN5 9TG

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