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  • Dentist Information
  • mydentist is a dental surgery near Doncaster and provides a list of procedures with a price list listed below if available. The surgery has 10 reviews with a rating of 3.4 stars out of 5.
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  • Dentist Price List (Prices are guide prices only and are subject change)
    Dental ProcedureOptionsFrom
    ClearCorrect (Search)£1490
    Bridges (Search)£285
    Crown (Search)£702
    Dental Implant
    Implant (Search)£2750
    Dentures - Full (Search)£990
    Emergency Appointment
    Emergency appointment fee (Search)£99
    Examination, Consultation, Check Up (Child)
    Child exam (under 3s) (Search)£POA
    Child exam (3 - 17yrs) (Search)£25
    Examination, Consultation, Check Up
    Exam (Search)£49
    Fillings - Silver Amalgam
    Fillings - Silver Amalgam (Search)£130
    Fillings - White
    White/Composite Filling (Search)£144
    Root Canal Treatment
    Root Canal Treatment (Incisor/Canine) (Search)£330
    Root Canal Treatment (Pre-molar) (Search)£470
    Root Canal Treatment (Molar) (Search)£535
    Routine Hygiene Visit
    Hygiene Appointment 20 minutes (Search)£58
    Hygiene Appointment 30 minutes (Search)£88
    Tooth Extraction
    Extraction - Simple (Search)£145
    Extraction - Special Difficulty (Search)£280
    Extraction - Complex (Search)£280
    Tooth Whitening
    Zoom Take Home Whitening (Search)£299
    Veneers (Search)£429
    X-rays - Small (Search)£22
    X-rays - Large (Search)£39
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  • Patient Ratings






  •  Patient Reviews

    Review SourceBy:Anonymous
    Rating:..Star Rating
    May 29 2019

    I totally agree with the report copied again below posted in March. I am in exactly the same situation - new dentist now as my dentist retired 6 months ago. I visited today 29/05/2019 , was asked about any dental problems I may have, my general health, x rays were taken 'just to make sure' but the actual cleaning and polishing of my teeth did not happen. As the earlier reviewer stated my previous dentist checked every tooth carefully, reporting back to his assistant to record cleaned in between every tooth with his instruments and water, brushed and polished them - superb check up. But NOT TODAY - the dentist did not individually report and did not appear to check every tooth but said something on the lines 'right nil, centre ni, etc. Once the x rays were taken - no problems the dentist (very polite and nice gentleman) said I was free to leave and I did not realise the appointment was over as I was waiting for the teeth to be cleaned with the drill etc and then polished. I got up to leave but did question this - the dentist explained I did not need my teeth descaling, cleaned, or polished as there were no stains the dentist did offer to do this but I stated I would wait till next time. I always go 6 monthly for my check up and as stated my previous dentist without exception always gave my teeth a very thorough drilling between my teeth and subsequent polish. As the earlier review commented perhaps new processes are in place but it seems less service but no reduction in cost. I am disappointed but will await my next appointment before making any further judgements. PREVIOUS REVIEWER MARCH 2019 Re. Regular check up - I have been going to this dentist practise for almost thirty years, My regular dentist has retired, and was always thorough in my check ups and treatment through the years and looked after me exceptionally well as did the assistants and admin staff. I have been today for a check up and was left disappointed and not satisfied at all in the whole process. The dentist I saw seemed a very nice man but hardly did a thing. My teeth are quite complex in that I have bridges, crowns, implants, fillings and some of my own teeth. He just had a quick look and noticed a back tooth had a chip so he said he would stick a bit on which he did. He did not give me the thorough examination that I have always received previously when attending for check ups i.e. checking each tooth and relating condition to his assistant who would fill in the report accordingly as he systematically checked my whole mouth and I feel I have wasted my time completely.
    Original Comment Report...

    Review SourceBy:Anonymous
    Rating:..Star Rating
    May 18 2019

    I always had a first class service from “My Dentist” at Halifax Crescent at Doncaster. I am a disabled person & they have full facility for people like me. I can’t climb stairs so I had always been seen in a ground floor office though most of the offices are upstairs. The waiting area is very good & I don’t need to go the reception desk. A receptionist come to me in the waiting area for the necessary paperwork. On last occasion, just two weeks before my six monthly check, I got an appointment from the General Infirmary for a scan. I rang the “My Dentist” reception desk & asked for another date. I was expecting 3 to 6 weeks wait but got the appointment rescheduled within 2 working days. I need not wait for long on arrival & was seen, as usual, right at the appointment time. The dentist explained to me what are the necessary procedures & what other optional procedures I could have if I wished. The procedure was done, again as usual, most efficiently & quickly. I was not pressed to have additional treatment but was told that I can have them in future if I wish. Overall a very professional & efficient service. I have no hesitation to recommend “My Dentist” at Halifax Crescent, Doncaster, specially for the disabled people like me.
    Original Comment Report...

    Review SourceBy:Anonymous
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Aug 9 2019

    From the moment I walked through the door I knew I was in good hands. My initial checkup was pain free and the dentist kept me very informed throughout. Turned out I required a filling, which the receptionist booked in so politely! A couple of days before treatment I realised I couldn’t make the appointment, but after speaking to the receptionist I was able to rearrange for the following week. She was very understanding. Treatment was quick and easy and I am more than happy with the result. Would happily recommend this practice to anyone!
    Original Comment Report...

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mydentist, 25 Halifax Crescent, York Road, Doncaster, DN5 9BL

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