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  • Dental Care Clinic is a dental surgery near Leics and provides a list of procedures with a price list listed below if available. The surgery has 3 reviews with a rating of 3.7 stars out of 5.
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  •  Patient Reviews

    Dental Care Clinic
    Review SourceBy:manish jethwa
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Jun 24 2019

    Everyone at the dentist is so nice. The reception staff are so welcoming every time I walk in, the dentist I see always explains everything to me before starting treatment. I feel more welcome here than the doctors.
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    Dental Care Clinic
    Review SourceBy:Anonymous
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Aug 30 2017

    I called the clinic to register they told me to come to the clinic to register I went 2:30 pm they told the the receptionist the one to add new patient they work between 9 to 1 . I come back next day 9 o'clock the receptionist was rude and unfriendly I ask them to try to give me earlier appointment for my daughter has tooth decay they start tell me she eat sweet I said yes she said who buy the sweet ......they try to be rude with me I felt upset I decaid to leave and not register I waste my time to try to come twice to register
    Original Comment Report...

    Reply from Dental Care Clinic
    Sun, 10 Sep 2017 12:51:55 +0100

    Any criticsm made is taken seriously and investigated, as we aim to provide the best possible service to our patients. This incident has been investigated: The member of staff covering reception in the afternoon, will require further training in order to accept new patients The member of staff who spoke with the complainee in the morning explained that there was just light hearted banter between them which was meant in good spirit but it appears to have been taken offensively Our trained reception staff are very welcoming and our practice remains extremely busy with happy patients. This person appears to not have a sense of humour and instead has resorted to Online Defamation , at which we are deeply offended No one was trying to be rude and unfriendly, infact we have thousands of patients who have great banter with our receptionists, regularly laughing and giggling, throughout the day : this greatly helps reduce anxiety in nervous patients and makes visiting the dentist a far more pleasureable experience. Our practice will never turn away patients, especially children, in pain. However, it is also well documented ,that parents who oversupply children with sugary food & drinks ,resulting in rampant tooth decay, are commiting a form of child abuse . It is our professional duty to not only cure the pain ,but to prevent further problems, by educating parents and children. Our practice team do not feel that it is right and proper that we are subject to Defamation after all our hard work and efforts to run a happy successful practice

    Dental Care Clinic
    Review SourceBy:Anonymous
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Mar 23 2016

    This dental practice is highly recommended as when you arrive you are greeted, and even when you are waiting for your name to be called out the staff keep you company have a chat and a banter, a happy dental practice is what everyone needs thanks to the Receptionists
    Original Comment Report...

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Dental Care Clinic, 3 Loughborough Road, Leicester, Leics, LE4 5LJ

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