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  • Dentist Information
  • Harbour Dental Practice is a dental surgery near Sandbach and provides a list of procedures with a price list listed below if available. The surgery has 13 reviews with a rating of 1.6 stars out of 5.
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  •  Patient Reviews

    Harbour Dental Practice
    Review SourceBy:Danny Taylor
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Dec 31 2022

    1 star! Receptionist/manager is extremely rude and acts like she knows what she is doing but makes fees up as ahe goes along which costs customers money. You pay on the day then get hit with another bill and threatening court letters over a checkup. AVOID

    Harbour Dental Practice
    Review SourceBy:D. Jones
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Sep 6 2022

    If i could score it 0 stars i would. Customer service levels are really poor and the receptionists look for the manager for guidance but she clearly doesn't know what shes doing makes it up as she goes along extremely rude to top it off. Wont be going back or recommending

    Harbour Dental Practice
    Review SourceBy:Sue Rhodes
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Jan 19 2023

    A review of Dental Implants inserted by Dr. Amit Kotecha, Harbour Dental Practice, Sandbach. During all of my appointments, Dr Kotecha explained fully what he was doing, and constantly checked that I was not in any discomfort. I am delighted with the work he has done and have no hesitation in recommending Dr. Kotecha for specialist dental treatment, he has years of experience and takes the time explain all of the options. It started with an appointment to see my dentist in May as I had toothache, caused by an abscess around the roots of a molar in my lower jaw. After a discussion about a root canal, and how successful that might be, I was referred to Dr. Kotecha to see if the tooth could be replaced by an implant. At the first appointment, in June, Dr. Kotecha said he was 98% certain that he could perform the root canal to save the tooth, so I asked about an implant to replace a long term missing tooth in the upper jaw, and another to replace part of a bridge which was causing problems. Once the abscess had cleared up I went for more x-rays and a 3D scan and a couple of weeks later returned to discuss what was possible, what would happen, get a quote, and make another appointment for after I had had time to think about it all. The July appointment confirmed I was suitable for both the upper and lower implants. A full discussion took place covering all the details, the root canal, removing part of the bridge, and a sinus lift to add bone graft for the upper implant due to degraded bone caused by the missing tooth. August, and a two hour appointment! One, perfectly placed, anaesthetic injection to start with after which I couldn’t feel the following four. The section of bridge was removed quickly. The root canal felt like it took quite a while as all the roots had to be cleaned, packed with disinfectant, and topped with a temporary filling. The gap in upper jaw was drilled and packed with bone graft. After sitting very still (no talking!) while waiting for it to harden enough, the implant was then screwed in followed by drilling and inserting the one in the lower jaw. All completely painless and it was all over in one hour and forty minutes. After the anaesthetic wore off I was surprised that there was barely any pain, and I didn’t take any painkillers after the first evening. An appointment followed for each of the next two weeks to check on the implants and the root canal was examined, filled, and finished off with a white, tooth shaped filling. The implants had to have time to become fused to the bone, so in late November it was time to take the impressions for the crowns, which were colour matched to the existing teeth. Early December and a short appointment to fit the crowns onto the implants and to discuss their care. January and a final check up to make sure everything was fine. As the upper tooth had been missing for over ten years it took a couple of weeks for the crown to feel as though it belonged there, the bottom one fitted in without me even noticing. The molar with the root canal feels exactly like an ordinary tooth. Again, I am delighted with the work he has done and have no hesitation in recommending Dr. Kotecha for specialist dental treatment.

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Harbour Dental Practice, 23-25 Crewe Road, Sandbach, CW11 4NE

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