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  • Dentist Information
  • Bupa Dental Care Keighley is a dental surgery near Keighley and provides a list of procedures with a price list listed below if available. The surgery has 4 reviews with a rating of 1.0 stars out of 5.
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  • Dentist Price List (Prices are guide prices only and are subject change)
    Dental ProcedureOptionsFrom
    Adult braces (cosmetic teeth straightening) (Search)From £2389.00£2389
    Bridges (per unit) (Search)POA£POA
    Dental bridge porcelain bonded (per unit) (Search)From £400.00£400
    Crowns (Search)POA£POA
    Tooth crown metal (back teeth) (Search)From £350.00£350
    Tooth crown ceramic (Search)From £400.00£400
    Tooth crown porcelain bonded (front teeth) (Search)From £501.00£501
    Tooth crown porcelain bonded (back teeth) (Search)From £616.00£616
    Partial upper or lower denture (acrylic) (Search)From £350.00£350
    Dentures (Full acrylic) (Search)From £715.00£715
    Emergency Appointment
    Emergency appointment (Search)£65
    Examination, Consultation, Check Up (Child)
    New patient Check-up child (6-17 inclusive) (Search)£16
    Routine Check-up child (6-17 inclusive) (Search)£20
    Check-up child (5 or under) (Search)£31
    New patient exam child (5 or under) (Search)£38
    Examination, Consultation, Check Up
    Routine patient Check-up adult (18 and over) (Search)£50
    New Patient Check-up adult (18 and over) (Search)£60
    Fillings - Silver Amalgam
    Tooth filling silver (small) (Search)From £75.00£75
    Tooth filling silver (large) (Search)From £112.50£112.50
    Fillings - White
    White fillings (Search)POA£POA
    Tooth filling white (small) (Search)From £90.00£90
    Tooth filling white (large) (Search)From £135.00£135
    Root Canal Treatment
    Root canal (front teeth) (Search)From £200.00£200
    Root canal (back teeth) (Search)From £400.00£400
    Routine Hygiene Visit
    Hygienist appointment (with dentist) (Search)From £62.00£62
    Hygienist appointment (Search)From £62.00£62
    Tooth Extraction
    Surgical tooth extraction (Search)From £84.00£84
    Tooth extraction (Search)From £95.00£95
    Tooth Whitening
    Teeth whitening (at home kit) (Search)From £375.00£375
    Teeth whitening (in practice) (Search)From £563.00£563
    Simple X-ray (Search)From £19.00£19
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  • Patient Ratings






  •  Patient Reviews

    Bupa Dental Care Keighley
    Review SourceBy:Anonymous
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Sep 25 2019

    I visited the surgery today upon my arrival I found the reception staff friendly enough. I was 15 minutes early for my appointment as I’m a very nervous patient I wanted to get in and get it over with, when I eventually got called in the dentist was quit abrupt as I told her what it was I needed doing saying “and who has told you this” . I was made to feel like a second class citizen throughout the whole visit and left upset. I will definitely be finding a new dentist for myself and my family as this isn’t the first time myself and my family have been made to feel like this.
    Original Comment Report...

    Reply from Bupa Dental Care, Keighley
    Thu, 26 Sep 2019 14:31:45 +0100

    Thank you for taking the time to leave us feedback. Patient care and support is our priority so we are very sorry and disappointed to read your comments. We would be very keen to speak to you to find out more, and be able to investigate this issue. If you would like us to do so, please get in touch via 01535 603659 or Keighley@bupadentalcare.co.uk and ask to speak to the practice manager Charlotte.

    Bupa Dental Care Keighley
    Review SourceBy:Anonymous
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Aug 9 2019

    I dread going to see this dentist! This person seems to not recognize the concept of pain. If you ask for pain relief, you do not always get it. I get lectured on Dental Hygeine even though I have that well under control. The dentist is condecending , and seems very brutal and uncaring..
    Original Comment Report...

    Bupa Dental Care Keighley
    Review SourceBy:Anonymous
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Apr 15 2018

    My appointment was for 4.50pm but I didn't actually get to see the dentist until approximately 5.05pm, despite me arriving 10 minutes prior to my appointment time. I was sat in the waiting area right in front of reception but nobody apologised or updated me as to how long I would be waiting. I had expected perhaps an apology from the nurse that took me into the surgery, or even the dentist themself but no, unfortunately not. I wouldn't be so rude as to be 15 minutes late for anything and not apologise. I understand that sometimes appointments run over but to not even get a ’sorry’ I thought was really poor customer service. Things got worse from there on in to be honest. My appointment was with a dentist that I hadn't seen before, unfortunately I'm not allowed to name them on here. They started off by asking me the usual questions regarding dental hygiene etc and looked at my notes / x-rays from my last appointment, apart from that they didn't do much at all. I’ve been going to the dentist regularly since I can remember and my Mum was a dental nurse for a large part of her career so I do know what is meant to happen during a check-up; this was unlike any check-up I’ve had before. The dentist didn’t test my gums or appear to look in detail at the structure of my teeth, all they were concerned with was to show me some staining that I have. Now, I'm 38 and I drink coffee so my teeth are, of course, not completely pearly-white but neither are they as bad as the dentist was trying to make me believe. In fact, I found their attitude very patronising and belittling. Before moving to the area, I was a long-standing patient of another dentist who only needed to see me every 12 months since my dental hygiene was good and I've never had any issues with my teeth. The dentist mentioned that I could visit the hygienist and because I was daft enough to say that I may do that in the future, they then wouldn’t do any cleaning for me at my appointment. I guess they would rather me come back and spend the £60 that they were quoting to see the hygienist - beware of the up-selling!! I was in the surgery probably around 4 minutes, I felt I was treated like a 2nd class citizen and I paid just over £20 for the privilege. Perhaps if I was a private patient my experience might have been different? I should add that the couple of dentists I have seen before were good and the reception staff are friendly but this experience (along with a bad experience my husband has had here, that's another story!) has now put me off and I'll be looking elsewhere.
    Original Comment Report...

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Bupa Dental Care Keighley, 32-34 Devonshire Street, Keighley, BD21 2A

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