Popular Dental Treatment Prices near Wilmslow Cheshire |
Find great Dentists near you and compare prices, quality ratings and reviews from other patients. You may be able to get great quality care at a great price by travelling a little bit further, but check all of the details of your treatment with the dentist beforehand to make sure you are getting the best treatment for you. |
Treatment Name | Lowest Price (10 Miles) | Lowest Price (25 Miles) | Lowest Price (50 Miles) | Lowest Price Nationally |
Braces | £1,500 (5 miles) | £500 (10 miles) | £500 (10 miles) | £146 (129 miles) |
Bridges | £350 (7 miles) | £300 (16 miles) | £285 (46 miles) | £193 (80 miles) |
Crowns | £605 (7 miles) | £39 (18 miles) | £39 (18 miles) | £39 (16 miles) |
Dental Implant | £2,000 (5 miles) | £900 (17 miles) | £900 (17 miles) | £150 (179 miles) |
Fillings | £84 (7 miles) | £65 (21 miles) | £65 (21 miles) | £60 (96 miles) |
Root Canal Treatment | £330 (3 miles) | £181 (14 miles) | £161 (32 miles) | £104 (215 miles) |
Routine Hygiene Visit | £58 (3 miles) | £38 (20 miles) | £30 (40 miles) | £30 (42 miles) |
Tooth Extraction | £104 (7 miles) | £78 (21 miles) | £68 (41 miles) | £68 (38 miles) |
Compare Orthodontics - Braces Prices near Wilmslow Cheshire |
Compare Orthodontics - Braces prices locally and nationally. You may be able to get great quality care at a great price by travelling a little bit further, but check all of the details of your treatment with the dentist beforehand to make sure you are getting the best treatment for you. |
Treatment Name | Lowest Price (10 Miles) | Lowest Price (25 Miles) | Lowest Price (50 Miles) | Lowest Price Nationally |
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