Moss Grove Surgery-Kingswinford

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  • Provider Information
  • Moss Grove Surgery-Kingswinford is a GP Practice in Kingswinford and provides a list of services listed below if available. This GP practice has 37 reviews with a rating of 2.6 out of 5 and a CQC rating of Good.

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  • Provider Services
  • Asthma Clinic
  • Baby clinic with health visitor
  • Child Immunisations
  • COPD clinic with spirometry
  • Learning disability health check
  • Minor surgery (removal of moles,skin lesions)
  • Phlebotomy
  • Primary care counselling service
  • Travel health with yellow fever
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  •  Provider Performance
    The table below is a standard list of gp practice metrics that are complied annually for practices in England. You can use this list to see how Moss Grove Surgery-Kingswinford is doing in areas that may be important to you.
    Health MetricDetailIndicator
    Cervical Screening Ages 25 to 491,843 individuals have been screened out of a possible 2,479 eligible people.

    A total of 74.3% of possible patients have been screened which is below the 80% requirement. The GP practice needs to sceen another 141 people to hit the required 80% screening target.
    Cervical Screening Ages 50 to 641,500 individuals have been screened out of a possible 2,046 eligible people.

    A total of 73.3% of possible patients have been screened which is below the 80% requirement. The GP practice needs to sceen another 137 people to hit the required 80% screening target.
    Overall number of GP appointments7,977 Number of appointments in Aug 2023 from a practice list size of 19,300 patients7,977
    Face to face appointments6,218 Face to Face appointments in Aug 2023 which is 77.9% of the total number of appointments.6,218
    Home Visits395 Home Visits in Aug 2023 which is 5% of the total number of appointments.395
    Telephone appointments1,364 Telephone appointments in Aug 2023 which is 17.1% of the total number of appointments.1,364
    Unknown appointments0 Unknown appointments in Aug 2023 which is 0% of the total number of appointments.0
    Video call appointments0 Video call appointments in Aug 2023 which is 0% of the total number of appointments.0

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  • Patient Ratings






  •  Patient Reviews

    Moss Grove Surgery-Kingswinford
    Review SourceBy:Anonymous
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Feb 20 2024

    You used to be a very good surgery but I'd honestly like to know if all the GPs have gone part-time as on the odd occasion I've managed to get an actual appointment, the waiting room is empty? On the other hand, If you need us to have smear tests, blood test etc. then, you are chasing us left, right and centre to get us booked in as you get money for us having those tests! That must be keeping the admin team so busy that there's no one to answer the phone because the queues on the phone take forever! My elderly mother gets so stressed phoning you due to the wait as this is the only method she uses to contact you. Patients want to be able to book a non-urgent appointment via patient access, like we could pre covid. I appreciate, you probably will have to see more people this way! If this can't be facilitated we want to be able to contact you on the website after 11am ash when you shut the 'get help' window down because you have had too many requests. In fact I'd like to be able to contact you at any time of the day via the website, if I need to. Unfortunately, if I miss the golden few hours that the website is open, I'd need to phone up and then I'm in for a massive wait so I try but invariably if it was a long wait I'd give up. Diagnosis will be missed as patients can't be bothered to keep trying to contact you for non-urgent appointments.

    Moss Grove Surgery-Kingswinford
    Review SourceBy:David F
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Jan 6 2023

    After contacting moss grove i found things had changed a lot as i dont need to use the service a lot once i understood the new booking system i found the whole system easy to use even with my limited IT skill (67)years. JESS saw me later the same day who i found very thourough and informative. The next day after taking the medication she gave me i found myself almost bach to normal after suffering all over xmas full marks to JESS and moss grove.

    Moss Grove Surgery-Kingswinford
    Review SourceBy:Anonymous
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Nov 2 2022

    What has happened to our wonderful surgery? If you are lucky enough to find someone present at Reception, don’t expect a friendly face or a willingness to help. We are no longer in the throes if a pandemic, why are you behaving as if we are? Ridiculous that you can’t even make an appointment or request a sick note at the desk? Seriously, how are elderly patients meant to navigate your systems? Our once approachable, neighbourhood surgery is a faceless, uncaring business. So sad when I think of what it once was.

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    Moss Grove Surgery-Kingswinford, 15 Moss Grove, Kingswinford, DY6 9HS

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