Caring Direct Ltd

  • Caring Direct Ltd
    8 Freeport Office Village, Century Drive, Braintree, CM77 8YG
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  • Home Care Information

    Caring Direct limited is a provider of Domiciliary Care Services to specific sectors of the community. The agency is based in Chelmsford and provides individual packages of care to support adults within their own homes.

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  • Care Home Services

    Personal and intimate care: Yes, offers care for Personal care
    Caring for adults over 65 yrs: Yes, offers Caring for adults over 65 yrs
    Dementia: Yes, offers care for Dementia
    Learning disabilities: Yes, offers Learning disabilities care
    Physical disabilities: Yes, offers help with Physical disabilities
    Sensory impairments: Yes, offers help with Sensory impairments

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  • Patient Ratings






  •  Patient Reviews

    Caring Direct Ltd
    Review SourceBy:Jim.h
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Oct 12 2018

    Decided to appoint caring direct for my mother's care and subsequently regret this decision within one week. Start of care a Saturday in october having paid 7 days in advance for two carers for 30 minutes, the first few days a learning curve for both subsequently by the Wednesday a visit was completed in 15 minutes with tasks not done and again on the thursday the visit rushed and my mother not feeling bathed. Upon raising this with the office they stated that the minimum payment is 30 minutes not the visit. Luckily decided to record the visits, nice girls more trainning required and with all my mother's grand children at universities these recordings could be coming to a social media near you soon..??,, My thoughts...??...Pro-rata probably the dearest "care" company in the ...........
    Original Comment Report...

    Caring Direct Ltd
    Review SourceBy:Doug
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Jan 15 2016

    I'll begin with a little background. My elderly mother suffers from dementia and life long mobility problems which have worsened with age. My father, up until last January, was her care provider. In January 2015 he suffered a stroke, no doubt due to the pressure of caring for mum. Enter caring direct. Most members of their staff have failed to provide what she most needs-assistance with mobility. There have been exceptions, there have been exceptional carers who do everything that is needed. But the majority of the carers simply quote the 'no lifting' policy and watch my father, a 78 year old stroke victim, do the lifting. He has his own mobility problems and is sometimes liable to stumble. I understand the need for the policy. I can understand the carers wish not to injure themselves. But surely there must be an answer that isn't my father doing the lifting! Early on some carers said if mum had appropriate hoists etc then they could manage the handling. So now we have a hospital bed, an othopaedic chair that raises and lowers and another piece of equipment to help her stand, I forget it's name. It's still my dad doing the lifting. Surely if they feel there is inadequate equiptment they should be contacting the relevant body to get it out in place Social Servics OT's etc. It's academic now because my father's has told them not to come anymore as he found the whole situation too frustrating. My parents have been badly let down by this company and Adult Social Care as well. There is a lot of money being spent here with a net benefit of almost nothing. My only footnote is to say thank you to the one or two individual carers who have done a fabulous job.
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    Caring Direct Ltd

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Additional Information
Funding Home Care in England
Funding Home Care in England

You may qualify for local authority funding towards care at home costs.

Firstly, you must first arrange a care needs assessment