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  • Pharmacy Information
  • Boots is a pharmacy near Ulverston and provides a list of services listed below if available. The pharmacy has 3 reviews with a rating of 1 stars out of 5.
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  • Pharmacy Services
    • (NHS): Emergency contraception
    • (NHS): Gluten-free food service
    • (NHS): Inhaler technique service
    • (NHS): Medication review service
    • (NHS): Minor ailment service
    • (NHS): Pregnancy testing
    • (NHS): Stop smoking service
    • (NHS): Supervised consumption of medicines
    • (Non-NHS): Seasonal flu vaccination service (not at risk groups)
    • Appliance dispensing
    • Appliance use review service
    • Appointment booking available for consultations
    • Appointment booking for consultations not required
    • Inhaler recycling
    • Medicines use review (MUR) service
    • New medicine service
    • Prescription collection from local General Practices
    • Prescription delivery service
    • Private consultation room
    • Public Health
    • Seasonal flu vaccination service (at risk groups)
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  • Patient Ratings






  •  Patient Reviews

    provider logoBy:cass
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Jan 13 2024

    While visiting my daughter and her family over the New Year, my daughter became unwell with tonsillitis and unable to eat or drink which impacted on her capability to breastfeed her six month old baby. Knowing that severe bacterial tonsillitis can require hospital treatment, it was imperative that a prescription for antibiotics was arranged asap and a phone call consultation with her G.P facilitated this. The G.P was asked if he knew how long it might take for the prescription to be processed and ready for collection, and he advised to wait until around one o clock that same afternoon. My son-in-law who was on holiday leave from work drove to Boots Chemist in Ulverston at lunchtime and when he was told by the staff member (Who we now know is called Natalie) the pharmacist was on their lunch break so he would need to come back later, he simply asked how much longer it might be because his girlfriend was suffering increasing pain. He then mentioned that the G.P had suggested the prescription may be ready around one o clock and 'Natalie' responded with an off hand attitude and muttered under her breath that 'The doctor's are always landing us in the shit''. My son-in-law had no interest in the politics between the G.P surgery and the pharmacy, he simply wanted to know when the prescription would be ready because it was a matter of urgency. He returned home empty handed and relayed his experience to myself and my daughter, By this point, my daughter was beside herself. I telephoned the pharmacy and asked to speak with the manager, I relayed the events that had occurred and I was told that due to the attitude of my son-in -law toward her member of staff, they had sent the prescription to another chemist. I explained that I am not from the area so which chemist had it been sent to and I suggested she view the CCTV , while no audio, she would hopefully be able to get a read on the facial expressions of her member of staff. The managers off hand attitude toward me on the phone resulted in asking for her name (Leanne Sandham ) and telling her if the prescription was not processed before closing hours, I would contact the local newspaper because by her creating unnecessary obstacles for obtaining an urgent prescription , could result in both my daughter and grand daughter being admitted to hospital. At this point, she told me 'I am typing the prescription up now''. I asked 'when will it be ready?'' she said about thirty minutes. What a performance just to get a prescription! This appears to be a case of staff member (Natalie) gives her version of the conversation exchange between herself and my son-in-law to the manager who then takes 'Natalie's' account as factual and then took matters into her own hands by sending the prescription to another chemist, why? My guess, based on the above, is to teach the customer a lesson by creating further obstacles to obtaining the prescription, just being unnecessarily obstinate. Doctors do not prescribe antibiotics liberally, a prescription for antibiotics is self-explanatory...the patient is in pain! I asked my son-in-law if he would mind if I collected the prescription so that I could speak directly with the manager which I did. No other members of staff were present and in the absence of a name badge, I did not know I was speaking with the manager until I told her who I was etc and she then told me she was the manager. I stressed that I felt she should not assume her member of staff 'Natalie' was being transparent with her and suggested again, to view the cctv. I was courteous as was the manager and I thanked her for sorting the prescription for my daughter. Then I took the prescription to my daughter with the urgency it required. That whole scenario was unnecessary and patients and their representatives should not have to jump through hoops to get the prescription they are entitled to. This is potentially harmful,palying God with peoples health and wellbeing.

    Rating:..Star Rating
    Mar 11 2022

    I am shocked at the service in here, I have been refused service of many over the countre medications including, antihistomines, thrus treatment and basic nasal sprays, questioned of my purchase of buscopan and iburofen, spoken down to by a certain member of staff, embarassed and belittled infront of other customers, I am aware of many other people in Ulverston who have also recieved this treatment from this specific member of staff, unless you like being disrespected I would not recomend shopping in this establisment, awful customer service, will never shop here again.

    provider logoBy:Anonymous
    Rating:..Star Rating
    May 24 2018

    repeat prescriptions were stopped being issued from the health centre for cost reasons so I choose Boots as an alternative. every time I have been given a blister pack the prescription has been completed incorrectly. also, it has not been ready on time all 4 times. this experience is not unique to me. this new system is not working. something needs to be done immediately to rectify the situation. it is not acceptable and I find it hard to believe the wasted man-hours dealing with all the incorrect prescriptions and delays has saved any money for the NHS.
    Original Comment Report...

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    Boots, 32 Market St,Ulverston,LA12 7LR

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