Spire Washington Hospital

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    Spire Washington Hospital
     Picktree Lane,
     Tyne and Wear
     NE38 9JZ
    Phone :
    Web :https://www.spirehealth..

    Email :spire.washington@nhs.net..

    Star Rating (47)
    CQC :CQC Rating
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  • Provider Information
  • Spire Washington Hospital is a private care provider near Washington and provides a list of private procedures including Injection into Joint with prices available to compare on BestcareCompare. This provider has 40 reviews with a rating of 4.2 stars out of 5 and a CQC rating of Good.
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  • Patient Ratings






  •  Patient Reviews

    Spire Washington Hospital
    review providerBy:Anonymous
    Rating:..star rating
    Aug 7 2022

    Caring professional staff,surgeon,anesthetist, nurses,caters ,cleaners ,porters.nothing was an issue,put me first ,couldnt have done anything more to make my experience better.

    Spire Washington Hospital
    review fromBy:jo
    Rating:..star rating
    Mar 26 2022

    I booked second consultation with Mr Jonathan Loughead there trying to get arthroscopic investigation into persistent hip pain which restricts walking, I was told he would not do procedure even though I have had excellent results from injections makes no sense to me when I am paying for investigation procedure and it could result in long term solution even removing the need for wheelchair use if it turned out to be as simple as my shoulder arthroscopy where they shaved the bone and never had a problem since, but have included link to NHS guidance for Arthroscopic investigation below for him to read. I will put it down to him having the I am god syndrome and find someone else https://www.nhsinform.scot/tests-and-treatments/surgical-procedures/arthroscopy#introduction

    Spire Washington Hospital
    review providerBy:Anonymous
    Rating:..star rating
    Jan 25 2019

    Very disappointed

    Reply from Spire Healthcare
    Fri, 01 Mar 2019 09:29:03 Z

    We are very sorry to hear of your recent experience here at the hospital. We take all feedback on board in order to improve the service we provide. We would appreciate it if you could call the hospital on 0191 415 1272 and ask to speak to the Surgical Services Manager to discuss this further. Kind regards Spire Washington Hospital

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Treatment Options
Consultants Initial Consulation£175
Diagnostic Investigations£0
Main Treatment£2,270
Total Cost From:£2,445
All prices are guide prices only and may change after a consultation. Please ask your provider for more details.
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Popular Treatments
Hip ReplacementCataract Surgery
Carpal Tunnel ReleaseKnee Replacement
GastroscopyGallbladder Removal
Bunion SurgeryKnee Arthroscopy
Hip ArthroscopyHysterectomy
Facet Joint InjectionsMole Removal
Eyelid SurgeryVasectomy
Slipped DiscVaricose Veins

Injection into Joint procedure at Spire Washington Hospital from £2445