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Sleep and tiredness - Sleep tips for teenagers

Written on:2020-11-27
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Sleep and tiredness/Sleep tips for teenagers

A minimum of 8 to 10 hours' good sleep on school nights is recommended for teens.

Here's how to make sure your teen is getting enough sleep to stay healthy and be well rested for school.

Limit screens in the bedroom

If possible, do not have a mobile, tablet, TV or computer in the bedroom at night, as the light from the screen interferes with sleep.

Having screens in the bedroom also means your teen is more likely to stay up late interacting with friends on social media.

Encourage your teenager to have at least an hour of screen-free time before going to sleep.

Exercise for better sleep

Regular exercise helps you sleep more soundly, as well as improving your general health.

Teenagers should be aiming for at least 60 minutes' exercise every day, including aerobic activities such as fast walking and running.

Exercising out in daylight will help to encourage healthy sleep patterns, too.

Read more about physical activity guidelines for children and young people

Cut out the caffeine

Suggest that your teenager cuts out or drinks less caffeine – found in drinks such as cola, tea and coffee.

Too much caffeine can stop them falling asleep and reduce the amount of deep sleep they have.

Do not binge before bedtime

Let teenagers know that eating too much, or too little, close to bedtime can lead to an overfull or empty stomach. This can be a cause of discomfort during the night and may prevent sleep.

Have a good routine

Encourage your teenager to get into a regular bedtime routine. Doing the same things in the same order an hour or so before bed can help them drift off to sleep.

Read about how to get to sleep

Create a sleep-friendly bedroom

Ensure your teenager has a good sleeping environment – ideally a room that is dark, cool, quiet and comfortable.

It might be worth investing in thicker curtains or a blackout blind to help block out early summer mornings and light evenings.

Talk through any problems

Talk to your teenager about anything they're worried about. This will help them to put their problems into perspective and sleep better.

Read some advice on how to talk to your teenager

You could also encourage them to jot down their worries or make a to-do list before they go to bed. This should mean they're less likely to lie awake worrying during the night.

Avoid long weekend lie-ins

Encourage your teen to not sleep in for hours at weekends. Late nights and long lie-ins can disrupt your body clock and make it harder to sleep come Monday.

Try these 10 tips to beat insomnia



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