Old Rectory

  • Old Rectory
    Norwich Road, Acle, Norwich, NR13 3BXEmail
    Rooms : Unknown
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  • Care Home Information

    The Old Rectory Care Home is owned by Pearl Care (Acle) Limited. It provides care for up to 34 older people who may also be living with dementia.

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  • Care Home Services

    Caring for adults over 65 yrs: Yes, offers Caring for adults over 65 yrs
    Personal and intimate care: Yes, offers care for Personal care
    Care Home Type:Residential Care

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  • Patient Ratings






  •  Patient Reviews

    Old Rectory
    Review SourceBy:Anonymous
    Rating:..star rating
    Dec 20 2014

    Always a difficult decision to make moving a parent into care, having previously had to use emergency respite care at somewhat short notice admittedly, I had been left with battle scars where Nursing homes and Residential care was concerned. It was not a happy memory, so now the time has come again only on a more permanent footing this time. Having studied the lists of available beds published weekly only to find anywhere with a good reputation has already filled any available spaces the task was not looking to good. Armed with one care home who had a vacancy but an uncertain track record I do what I do best, turn to the research animal that I am. I searched and scoured, read reviews, took notes made several cons lists with very few pros, then I stumbled on it 'The Old Rectory' in Acle. Well Acle was a familiar place so that had to be good, I could find little write ups one way or the other but having spoken to the management on the phone - who sounded lovely, I phoned the Social Worker to see if it was something we could look at. We got the go ahead from Social Worker so within a couple of hours staff from The Old Rectory came out to see us all, my Dad included, he was still of the mind he didn't want to go into a care home and to stay in his own house. They put both us and my Dad at ease, explained and took notes etc. we had a call within another hour to say yes they would accept him. This service was so quick that a certain amount of thanks needs to go to the Social Worker who completed the paperwork in record time, sent it through and we were able to deliver Dad the very next day. He is of course nervous and uncertain it is all new and with Dementia it is difficult at the best of times but he went into a full day of activity, a Pantomime followed by a party and buffet. We had a good scout about - having previously been shocked by where he had been placed we were now armed and ready to whisk him out if it wasn't good enough. The first thing that hit me was the smell, or rather lack of, it was clean fresh air I smelled not the sometimes overpowering bodily function smell so often associated with these homes. The decoration was upbeat and light and airy. it is a huge place, not a square building but full of corners, seats and surprises, it is a lovely old building with all mod cons. It is wheelchair friendly and my powerchair made easy work of moving around. The staff were friendly clean and tidy and very welcoming. The residents all looked cared for, well dressed and content. Periodically there are memorabilia dotted around - some old records on the wall, pictures of Marilyn Monroe, a life sized picture of a red phone box adorns a door, uniforms.colours the curtains were clean and cared for as were the windows washed allowing light to stream into the south facing Lounge ( just one of the lounges, i found 3 but suspect there could be more hidden further about) I am happy to leave my Dad here, safe well and cared for thank you
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  • Frequently Asked Questions about Care Homes in Norwich.

    Old Rectory is approximately 0 mile(s) away from Norwich. More information
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