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  • Dentist Information
  • Bupa Dental Care Mold is a dental surgery near Mold and provides a list of procedures with a price list listed below if available. The surgery has 1 reviews with a rating of 1.0 stars out of 5.
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  • Dentist Price List (Prices are guide prices only and are subject change)
    Dental ProcedureOptionsFrom
    Adult braces (cosmetic teeth straightening) (Search)From £2389.00£2389
    Bridges (per unit) (Search)POA£POA
    Dental bridge porcelain bonded (per unit) (Search)From £875.00£875
    Dental bridge (3 unit) (Search)£2254
    Crowns (Search)POA£POA
    Tooth crown metal (back teeth) (Search)From £717.00£717
    Tooth crown porcelain bonded (front teeth) (Search)From £898.00£898
    Tooth crown porcelain bonded (back teeth) (Search)From £915.00£915
    Tooth crown ceramic (Search)From £917.00£917
    Dental Implant
    Dental implant (Search)Price on consultation£POA
    Dentures (Full acrylic) (Search)£1390
    Partial upper or lower denture (acrylic) (Search)From £1690.00£1690
    Emergency Appointment
    Emergency appointment (Search)£85
    Examination, Consultation, Check Up (Child)
    Check-up child (5 or under) (Search)£12
    New patient exam child (5 or under) (Search)£16
    Routine Check-up child (6-17 inclusive) (Search)£20
    New patient Check-up child (6-17 inclusive) (Search)£26
    Examination, Consultation, Check Up
    Routine patient Check-up adult (18 and over) (Search)£78
    New Patient Check-up adult (18 and over) (Search)£80
    Fillings - Silver Amalgam
    Tooth filling silver (small) (Search)From £111.00£111
    Tooth filling silver (large) (Search)From £166.50£166.50
    Fillings - White
    White fillings (Search)POA£POA
    Tooth filling white (small) (Search)From £183.00£183
    Tooth filling white (large) (Search)From £274.50£274.50
    Root Canal Treatment
    Root canal (back teeth) (Search)From £421.00£421
    Root canal (front teeth) (Search)From £798.00£798
    Routine Hygiene Visit
    Hygienist appointment (with dentist) (Search)From £59.00£59
    Hygienist appointment (Search)From £91.00£91
    Tooth Extraction
    Tooth extraction (Search)From £194.00£194
    Surgical tooth extraction (Search)£443
    Tooth Whitening
    Teeth whitening (at home kit) (Search)From £525.00£525
    Teeth whitening (in practice) (Search)From £705.00£705
    Simple X-ray (Search)From £19.00£19
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  • Patient Ratings






  •  Patient Reviews

    Bupa Dental Care Mold
    Review SourceBy:Rachel
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Feb 24 2022

    The duty of care here is non existent. If I could give 1 star I would. Only been using the same dentist here out of convenience, despite being terrified of the man due to the problems he’s caused to my teeth over the years. Caused severe dental anxiety which when mentioned at the practice is ignored. I suppose it’s hard to take extra time for a nervous patient when you’re running 45 minutes late on a regular basis?! Turned up to the practice in agony, over a wisdom tooth and the head nurse was the most competent person I’ve ever dealt with there. Talked through the limited options and finally got an answer on my referral. Albeit 4 weeks after my X-ray which was physically handed to the practice. Been calling for weeks to chase a referral to be told something different each time. The pain I’m in is easily ignored by reception and dental staff. I’m brushed off as a nuisance despite turning up and calling in tears and being unable to go about my daily life and simply wanting to know where I stand. I’ve never been so terrified to call a practice or scared of how a medical professional is going to cause me harm.

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Bupa Dental Care Mold, 25 Chester Street, Mold, CH7 1EG

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