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  • Dentist Information
  • Welcare Dental Centre is a dental surgery near Morecambe and provides a list of procedures with a price list listed below if available. The surgery has 11 reviews with a rating of 3.1 stars out of 5.
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  •  Patient Reviews

    Welcare Dental Centre
    Review SourceBy:Anonymous
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Jun 24 2021

    I am an extremely nervous and anxious patient , which wasn’t taken into consideration what so ever. The dentist is abrupt, rude and quite frankly not a good dentist! He tried referring me to have a tooth removed , to find out today when visiting a bupa dentist that the tooth can 100 percent be saved. I am shocked and disgusted that a dentist would recommend pulling a tooth to a woman in her early 30’s , just because he can’t be bothered. An x ray showed today, The root canal he performed on another tooth, wasn’t done correctly and needs to be redone . I feel sorry for the people that have to work with him. Such a negative gloomy horrible man, I think it’s time he retires !

    Welcare Dental Centre
    Review SourceBy:Michelle Hindle
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Aug 22 2018

    I have been with the practise for a year now and everyone has been fantastic. I’m a very anxious patient!!!! On my first visit I needed to come back for a root canal and the dentist and the dental nurse (I’m sorry I’ve forgotten her name) were so kind and reassuring. Lots of helpful advice was given about how to reduce the plaque on my teeth. I attended today with my children and had to have an X-ray, my daughter was worried and kept asking if I was ok, the dentist said to her Not to be afraid as mummy is Ok. I found this really kind and reassuring of him and my daughter stopped worrying after that. I need to come back for further treatment and I don’t feel worried about it anymore, (not overly keen on the cost of it haha !!!) Thankyou to everyone who always make me feel better when I come, from the receptionist who is just lovely, the dental nurse who I always have a good laugh with , to the dentist who is very patient with me every time I come, your kindness is massively appreciated
    Original Comment Report...

    Welcare Dental Centre
    Review SourceBy:Jade W
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Aug 20 2022

    Haven't been to the dentist since 2018 due to Covid so I was shocked to find that the old dentists had gone and it had been taken over. The place has been modernised and looks much nicer, not to mention the new dentist I met and the receptionists were all very nice and helpful, as was the nurse who worked there previously! I called on Wednesday because I was in pain due to a cavity and I got a check-up appointment for the next day to check my teeth and the cavity. They gave me another appointment for today (2 days later) so that I could receive my treatment and they made sure I was pain-free during the whole process. I am very happy with how quickly my appointments have been and the service was to a very high standard!

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Welcare Dental Centre, 39 Kensington Road, Morecambe, LA4 5LU

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