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  • Dentist Information
  • St Albans Dental Clinic is a dental surgery near St Albans and provides a list of procedures with a price list listed below if available. The surgery has 12 reviews with a rating of 3.5 stars out of 5.
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  •  Patient Reviews

    St Albans Dental Clinic
    Review SourceBy:Anonymous
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Sep 21 2023

    Worse dentists ever, after Covid this dentist have really become worse. The best dentist have left and now we have this women who are wicked in their profession I have been there few time and the easiest option I have been asked wether they can take out my tooth, I had a tooth that needed filling she never cleaned or treated the tooth she just sprayed and put a filler on top of the already hurting tooth. after few days had to return again, she just sprayed and added filling. I had a broken tooth she took the piece that was broken sprayed the area and put it back in with a glue, (claiming she can’t do it I need to see a specialist and it’s a lot of money) I started getting swollen at the top of my mouth. Why are you in the wrong profession? Something is really not right with some of the dentist why should you knowingly not do the right thing? Wicked in their position just because someone is of different race colour whatever the circumstances don’t they deserve to be given true rights treatment? It’s your time now and it’s short you are not the first ones in that dentist they come and go your time will come. Some dental in this dentist surgery need to be sued and I believe someone will get them because what is going on is wrong there are those that are given proper treatment and those that don’t deserve treatment. So many bad reviews online about this dentist in St Albans Hatfield road. Continue being wicked your end will come.

    St Albans Dental Clinic
    Review SourceBy:Anonymous
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Nov 14 2018

    Used to be a patient here, thought I was due another appointment, Called them and left a message. No reply to message. Called them again and waited on hold for 15 minutes before I gave up, will try somewhere where they answer the phone
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    St Albans Dental Clinic
    Review SourceBy:Anonymous
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Aug 9 2018

    Thank you to all that work at the St Albans dental Practice, I have had a pleasant time with the overall treatment i have received from this practice, Thank you to the ladies that keep us calm before our appointment and to the dentists for the quality service that is provided.
    Original Comment Report...

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St Albans Dental Clinic, 59 Hatfield Road, St Albans, AL1 4JE

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