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  • Dentist Information
  • Northenden House Orthodontics is a dental surgery near Northenden and provides a list of procedures with a price list listed below if available. The surgery has 3 reviews with a rating of 5.0 stars out of 5.
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  •  Patient Reviews

    Northenden House Orthodontics
    Review SourceBy:Anonymous
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Jan 31 2018

    As a 'mature' person considering orthodontist treatment it was extremely nerve racking. The staff were very considerate and understanding and made me feel very comfortable and gave me the confidence I needed to start treatment. I found the first three weeks very difficult with ulcers and soreness but after the initial settling in Period I was able to work and socialise normally. If you are over 50 like me don't hesitate to go ahead with having a brace (mine was fixed). I am overjoyed with the results and can now smile with confidence.
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    Northenden House Orthodontics
    Review SourceBy:Anonymous
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Jan 9 2018

    We had been recommended our particular orthodontist at Northenden House for our son’s dental work. However, as each visit involved a 60 mile round trip we needed to be sure the treatments would be worth the journeys. Our first consultation confirmed this was the place for us (… especially as the practice is just 1 minute off M60 and M56 junctions!) Our son needed extensive treatment over 2 years and is not the easiest of teenagers to treat! However, our orthodontist and his team connected instantly with him and adapted their style to engage with him - he looked forward to his appointments and even the thorny issue of teenage oral hygiene and teeth brushing was approached and managed palatably! As with most high schools, taking time off for orthodontic appointments is now frowned upon; Northenden House could not have been more accommodating with their early morning and later afternoon surgeries. Despite being completely booked up, the team here went out of their way to ensure my son had his brace off for Christmas … HE WAS ABSOLUTELY DELIGHTED! In essence we have experienced a top rate, highly personalised service at Northenden House and we could not be happier with the result. Thank you to our brilliant orthodontist and our two fantastic Nurse Practitioners - we will no doubt be seeing you soon with our daughter!
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    Northenden House Orthodontics
    Review SourceBy:Anisah Rani
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Apr 7 2017

    I had been with this particular practice for 12months for my ceramic brace. My dentist was the most down to earth lovely dentist who has ever dealt with my teeth. Made me feel very comfortable and at ease on all my appointments. The staff at the whole practise are very friendly. I am very happy with my results and can now smile confidently. I would highly recommend this practise to someone who wants to get braces. I only had them only for 12months and now have been going for my retainer appointment.
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Northenden House Orthodontics, Northenden House, 2a Sale Road, Northe

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