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  • Dentist Information
  • Dr Michael Frain Ltd is a dental surgery near Chippenham and provides a list of procedures with a price list listed below if available. The surgery has 3 reviews with a rating of 3.7 stars out of 5.
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  •  Patient Reviews

    Dr Michael Frain Ltd
    Review SourceBy:Jono Gilmurray
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Sep 13 2017

    Just had my first ever filling (not bad going at 36!) and received exemplary treatment. The dentist was very informative and professional, taking the trouble to draw me a diagram of the crack in my tooth as it didn't show up on an x-ray, and going through all the treatment options thoroughly and clearly. Having had the initial examination at 4:15pm on Tuesday, I was then able to come back in at 10:45am the following morning to have the filling done. The procedure itself was painless, and the dentist did a great job, keeping me informed about what was happening and putting me at ease. Overall, I wouldn't hesitate to recommend this surgery - many thanks for making my first filling an anxiety-free experience! Oh - and in my opinion, the receptionists have always been lovely and very helpful!
    Original Comment Report...

    Dr Michael Frain Ltd
    Review SourceBy:Anonymous
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Apr 14 2016

    I cannot comment on the actual dental care so it may be great however their registration process leaves a lot to be desired. I registered with the practice a few weeks ago after asking their reception staff if they were accepting new NHS patients (I was informed they were). I phone 2 weeks later on a Thursday to make my first appointment only to be informed that I couldn't as they weren't taking on new patients (hold on a minute?!), receptionist seems a bit confused as I was told they were so the receptionist said they would speak to practice manager and phone me back on the following Monday. It gets to the following Thursday, still no phone call so I phone them again, no apology and same response about not taking on patients and when I queried this I was told that I had to make my first appointment with a month (well it's only been 2 and half weeks). Well they don't budge so I am not registered but the receptionist informs me that their other practice in town is taking on NHS patients (super! more convenient for me so I hang up happy). I kid you not, no more than half an hour later I go to said other practice in town to get registered and, no they're not taking on patients, I was misinformed. Yes I'm not hugely happy I wasn't able to get registered but I'm extremely unhappy (putting it politely) that I was given the incorrect information and that I got absolutely no apology for all of the misinformation I received from start to finish, how very unprofessional.
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    Dr Michael Frain Ltd
    Review SourceBy:Anonymous
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Feb 22 2018

    I am finding it difficult to find your email address so I am using this forum to contact you. I rang yesterday to make an appointment for my husband who is 78 to make an app. because he has a loose tooth and was told he was no longer on list because he had not been to the dentist recently we were very upset because I am 71 and I found I was no longer on the list. We were not contacted by the surgery to warn us that this would happen because we thought as an NHS patient you stay on list but obviously not. We are upset because we like you and always find everyone there really polite. My husband has an app with an emergency dentist today I have rung the practise and a very polite young lady told me I have to ring every week to see if the books are open but I think I feel very sad that we were not contacted by you.
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