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  • Dentist Information
  • Wedgwood House Dental Practice is a dental surgery near Stowmarket and provides a list of procedures with a price list listed below if available. The surgery has 4 reviews with a rating of 4.0 stars out of 5.
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  •  Patient Reviews

    Wedgwood House Dental Practice
    Review SourceBy:Karl
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Nov 4 2022

    Absolutely brilliant service. I couldn't have felt more comfortable

    Wedgwood House Dental Practice
    Review SourceBy:Tsuology
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Jan 14 2019

    Very friendly practice with staff who are cheerful, helpful and always smiling, Very pleased to have found this dentist and would find it really a very reassuring place if I had any concerns about going to the dentist
    Original Comment Report...

    Wedgwood House Dental Practice
    Review SourceBy:Penny Tatton
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Oct 8 2018

    My son has been with this dentist since birth and the treatment he received was always (up until this latest visit) satisfactory. Due to my own oversight I missed an appointment and immediately phoned to apologise and reschedule. I was booked in with a new dentist as they had a cancelation and at no point did they say it was policy not to rebook with a dentist if you have missed an appointment. We went along and met the new dentist. When we walked in we immediately felt that we weren't welcome so I assumed she had a bad day. I explained that my son was upset at the prospect of braces which she ignored and went onto explain that he would look like he would have "train tracks" fitted and would have to wear them for most of his life. For an 11 year old this is very upsetting news and I would have thought she would have used more tact. I found her to be very abrupt with my son and it was only when I pointed this out she changed her tone. At the end of the visit i made my concerns known to the reception who asked if I would like to leave feedback. I agreed to this as felt it would be a good way to make her aware that children are sensitive to such issues and to be mindful of the way she discusses going forward. Two weeks after the visit I received a letter informing me that all future appointments had been cancelled as I had missed my previous appointment and they would only rebook with the dentist I had complained about. Given the treatment we had already received I did not want to rebook. When I phoned to explain this they would not rebook as they had no other dentists free (despite there being 4 NHS dentists). If a dentist does not want honest feedback then they should not ask for it. I was honest and constructive but sadly it has resulted in my son being removed from their NHS list. I have always found the NHS service to be 1st class, but sadly it has demonstrated to me if you speak out they will no longer help you. Shame on you Wedgwood House Dental Practice, you really have let yourself down!
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Wedgwood House Dental Practice, 100 Bury Street, Stowmarket, IP14 1HF

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