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  • Dentist Information
  • mydentist is a dental surgery near Scarborough and provides a list of procedures with a price list listed below if available. The surgery has 9 reviews with a rating of 3.6 stars out of 5.
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  • Dentist Price List (Prices are guide prices only and are subject change)
    Dental ProcedureOptionsFrom
    ClearCorrect (Search)£2490
    Bridges (Search)£590
    Crown - Composite/Arcrylic (Search)£665
    Crown (Search)£702
    Denture Excellence (Search)£840
    Dentures - Full (Search)£990
    Emergency Appointment
    Emergency appointment fee (Search)£99
    Examination, Consultation, Check Up (Child)
    Child exam (under 3s) (Search)£POA
    Child exam (3 - 17yrs) (Search)£40
    Examination, Consultation, Check Up
    Exam (Search)£65
    Fillings - Silver Amalgam
    Fillings - Silver Amalgam (Search)£156
    Fillings - White
    White/Composite Filling (Search)£156
    Root Canal Treatment
    Root Canal Treatment (Incisor/Canine) (Search)£480
    Root Canal Treatment (Pre-molar) (Search)£565
    Root Canal Treatment (Molar) (Search)£650
    Routine Hygiene Visit
    Hygiene Appointment 20 minutes (Search)£58
    Hygiene Appointment 30 minutes (Search)£88
    Tooth Extraction
    Extraction - Simple (Search)£165
    Extraction - Complex (Search)£280
    Extraction - Special Difficulty (Search)£336
    Tooth Whitening
    Zoom Take Home Whitening (Search)£299
    Veneers (Search)£630
    X-rays - Small (Search)£26
    X-rays - Large (Search)£47
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  • Patient Ratings






  •  Patient Reviews

    Review SourceBy:David James
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Oct 25 2022

    I have been with the Dental Practice since I was born in 1979 under Mr Perkins. I stayed on when MyDentist took over the practice. I had regular check ups as an NHS patient. I have cystic fibrosis so when covid hit I was shielding and because of my compromised immunity. I continued this long after the shielding programme ended on the advice of my hospital. I avoided all unnecessary trips anywhere and even did many of my hospital visits via Zoom. I’m still suffering with my mental health from covid lockdowns. I contacted my practice today (Scarborough, North Marine Rd) to make an appointment and was told I was removed from the system but they would see me if I went private which I can’t afford because I’m not working (due to my cystic fibrosis). I was informed they cant see me as it’s been over two years. This is disgusting. I tried to explain my situation but they weren’t interested in the slightest. I am also in touch with the charity POhWER and lodged a complaint with head office. Absolutely shocking.

    Review SourceBy:David Baker
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Oct 25 2022

    I’m 76 years old and have been with this practice even before the MyDentist group took over. During covid because of my age and an ongoing clinical matter I stayed away from crowded areas, clinical settings etc on medical advice. I have now discovered that I have had my name removed from the patient list. There’s absolutely no consideration for people in situations similar to mine and the reception team are very unprofessional and unhelpful and don’t even want to assist me in this matter. Very strange that they can’t see me as an NHS patient but would gladly see me privately. I will be complaining to head office and I have contacted the area MP and talking with the local newspaper as I think this matter needs to be addressed.

    Review SourceBy:Daniel Thomas
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Jul 23 2018

    I have recently signed up to my dentist on north marine road. The service I have received from booking appointments, my treatments and arranging payments has been truly amazing. I was left feeling valued, comfortable and so happy with my outcome. The advise and help I received over the month of treatments was exactly what I needed. I left with a better whiter smile and brand new teeth that I was so nervous about before I accepted I needed a change. I was made to feel at ease and all the staff were so approachable and friendly making going to the dentist an easier and happier experience for me. I would absolutely recommended my dentist on North Marine Road, Scarborough to anyone.
    Original Comment Report...

    Reply from mydentist, North Marine Road, Scarborough
    Tue, 24 Jul 2018 09:12:32 +0100

    Dear patient, We would like to thank you very much for the comments that you have recently made regarding our practice and that you have been happy with the service provided. We are very grateful that you have taken the time to provide these comments and look forward to welcoming you back to the practice in the future. Kind Regards Patient Support Team

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mydentist, 93 North Marine Road, Scarborough, YO12 7HT

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