Manchester Road Surgery

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    16 Reviews
    Manchester Road Surgery
     187-189 Manchester Road,
     Lancashire, BB11 4HP
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  • Provider Information
  • Manchester Road Surgery is a GP Practice in Burnley and provides a list of services listed below if available. This GP practice has 16 reviews with a rating of 2.2 out of 5.

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  • Provider Services
  • Asthma Clinic
  • Child health and development
  • Learning disability health check
  • Long-Acting Reversible Contraception (LARC - eg IUD or implant)
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  •  Patient Reviews

    Manchester Road Surgery
    Review SourceBy:Sue
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Oct 14 2022

    I have been registered with another surgery that is part of Burnley Medical Practice so i was given an appointment at Manchester Road. I have found them to be excellent. I have not had many dealings with the reception staff for Dr Lane is excellent. She is very caring and very thorough. I cannot recommend her highly enough. I now only ever ask for her.

    Manchester Road Surgery
    Review SourceBy:Damian H
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Nov 17 2021

    Cant get appointments Not Fit for purpose About time NHS Took action and issued fines

    Manchester Road Surgery
    Review SourceBy:Anonymous
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Oct 24 2021

    The problem with the Manchester Road Surgery is that they made a huge mistake in joining forces with the RoseHill Surgery based in the St Peter's Centre. Just so you are all aware - I transferred from the RoseHill Surgery to Manchester Road because the refused to answer the telephone and this was over 10 years ago. I was given some story about how it is the building provider who is responsible for this but I went downstairs and asked to speak to the facilities manager and was told it was a load of rubbish. The staff at RoseHill are also very rude and how they have the cheek to say that they are busy when you rarely saw a patient is mind boggling. Within weeks of the RoseHill 'bad attitude' take over, the staff at Manchester Road turned into absolute pigs and were just as obnoxious as Rosehill. The surgeries were mostly empty and there were more receptionists that patients. I would advise anybody who reads this to look for another surgery - Yorkshire Street are very nice and they actually answer the telephone and they don't tell lies. Think about your health of yourself and your family and what would happen if you needed to see a doctor and couldn't get to the hospital. I would also say that when the telephone was ringing at Rosehill - it would ring for about 14 rings and then go on to the engaged tone. Check your telephone bills as you are likely being charged each time. I rang the Rosehill Surgery every day from 8.00am for over 3 months and not once did they answer the telephone. The most extraordinary thing is that when you read the reviews for the Burnley Group Practice the reviews are awful and for the same reasons. If all the patients transferred out (which I understand many have) then the NHS might shut them down!

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    Manchester Road Surgery, 187-189 Manchester Road, Burnley, BB11 4HP

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