South Reddish Medical Ctr 2

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  • Provider Information
  • South Reddish Medical Ctr 2 is a GP Practice in Stockport and provides a list of services listed below if available. This GP practice has 6 reviews with a rating of 2.8 out of 5.

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  • Provider Services
  • Asthma Clinic
  • Child health and development
  • Learning disability health check
  • Physiotherapy - provided in house and available on NHS
  • Primary care counselling service
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  •  Patient Reviews

    South Reddish Medical Ctr 2
    Review SourceBy:South R
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Apr 16 2018

    I joiNed this practice 3 years ago and have found everybody to be very friendly and professional. The Dr is an excellent GP who takes an interest in her patients and their welfare. The reception staff are helpful and there are various ways to book appointments etc including online. Would very much recommend.
    Original Comment Report...

    Reply from South Reddish Medical Ctr 2
    Tue, 17 Apr 2018 15:34:44 +0100

    I would like to respond to your comment posted on the South Reddish Medical Centre (Dr Gupta) page on the NHS Choices Website on the 16th April 2018. On behalf of Dr Gupta I would like to thank you for the very positive review as it is the intention of this Practice to provide the highest possible standard of service to our patients, and we value feedback from all our patients in the hope that it improves the quality of the service that we provide. This can be demonstrated by the following: • Understanding among patients who use the services about their care and treatment and their involvement in planning and making decisions about care can be evidenced by excellent feedback from Patients received via the Patients Involved in their Care Survey undertaken in 2017. • Although there has been a steady increase in use of online booking of appointments and ordering repeat prescriptions following the practices migration to EMIS Web, the Practice has been actively trying to increase uptake of on line services. A concerted campaign was launched where we actively tried to get all our patients who attended surgeries email addresses and mobile numbers to support improved communication. This has seen an increase in uptake from 5% to 13.5% in our endeavour to reach the 20% contractual requirement foe 2017/18. The practice will continue its ongoing drive to support improving uptake as follows: • Publicising the online services available to increase patient awareness in the Spring/Summer newsletter • Utilising MJog to send text reminders about online services available to all patient’s we have a mobile number for. The Practice is always striving to improve patient care and welcome any comments or suggestions from our patients on how we can improve our services. To support this please utilise the following mediums to feedback any complaints, concerns & suggestions you may have: ? Complaints, should be made through the practices formal complaints procedure (details available from reception and on the Practice Website) ? Email, The Practice routinely looks at this and will respond accordingly ? Completing the Friends and Family Test Feedback forms (available from reception and on the Practice Website) ? Telephoning or talking personally to myself, Rhona Franks, Practice Manager

    South Reddish Medical Ctr 2
    Review SourceBy:Anonymous
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Mar 17 2015

    I visited my doctors surgery as I've been feeling unwell for over four weeks. My GP is a lovely doctor and had the time to help with my problem. They took bloods, which was nice of them to find the course of the problem. When I rang to enquire about my blood results I don't think reception was very friendly to me and also should of been a follow up to see the doctor.
    Original Comment Report...

    South Reddish Medical Ctr 2
    Review SourceBy:Anonymous
    Rating:..Star Rating
    Feb 16 2015

    I rang the surgery today to book an appointment with my doctor. I work full time so I can't go to open surgery, so while speaking to a very rude receptionist I asked if I could make an appointment at some point this week during the evening, to which I got a very blunt reply "no" and an awkward pause. I was recommended to use the open surgery, and after me telling the receptionist that I can't make this due to work, they then just replied with "well the only thing I can recommend is open surgery." I was offered an appointment with a different doctor, who is not my doctor, in 8 days time. I find it hard to believe that a surgery as unorganised and low standard as this one is fully booked. Every time I go to the doctors it is always a big fuss making an appointment and a very cold welcome at the reception desk upon arrival. Most of the doctors that work there are unreliable and unhelpful, except maybe two, one of which is part time. I am disgusted with how I am treated each time I am in contact with the doctors, considering a doctors surgery is meant to be a place of trust and reliability. I didn't even get a notification about them moving their whereabouts/changing their number, and after using the surgery for 18 years, I would assume this would have been made clear to me. I will be moving surgeries in the very near future.
    Original Comment Report...

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