Vine House Rest Home

  • Vine House Rest Home
    375 Union Road, Oswaldtwistle, Accrington, BB5 3NS
    Rooms : Unknown
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  • Care Home Information

    Vine House Rest Home is registered to provide personal care and accommodation for up to fourteen older people. It is an older style detached building with surrounding gardens.The home is situated on a main road in Oswaldtwistle. It is close to the towns facilities, and both Accrington and Blackburn are easily accessible.

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  • Care Home Services

    Caring for adults over 65 yrs: Yes, offers Caring for adults over 65 yrs
    Personal and intimate care: Yes, offers care for Personal care
    Care Home Type:Residential Care

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  • Patient Ratings






  •  Patient Reviews

    Vine House Rest Home
    Review SourceBy:Sandra rating
    Jul 26 2019

    My 84 year old mother went to stay at Vine House this year, after breaking her arm and needing respite care. It was a big adjustment for her and us. I can't thank the owners and staff enough for the excellent caring way they have shown towards us. Mum soon settled in and the improvement in her health is testament to the care she received in the lovely family environment at Vine house. We always felt we could go there, knowing Mum was being monitored and getting the very best treatment. The staff are caring and friendly and always ready to listen. Mum can be quite independent and they encouraged her to be as independent as it is safe for her to be. They made time to chat to her and make her feel at home. It's obvious as soon as you go in, how clean the rooms are. Two particular members of staff are there a lot of the time and are constantly making improvements to the rooms. The lady who is deputy is always on hand to reassure and has helped us enormously throughout Mum's stay. The carers have given Mum confidence and we are so happy with how it's all turned out. It would have been easy for Mum to give up and neither her strength back. But she gained weight and got more confident walking after two falls in January, that totally shook her confidence and one where she broke her arm falling in a road, near her own home. This had resulted in a hospital stay where she became weak. This is how she went into Vine House but they soon started helping her to recover her strength. I can't thank them enough. I would recommend this home to anyone and if Mum can't manage in her new flat I know we will be happy for mum to return to Vine House on a more permanent basis.
    Original Comment Report...

    Vine House Rest Home
    Review SourceBy:Anonymous rating
    Jul 1 2019

    Vine House is an excellent residential care home. My mother was admitted several years ago with Alzheimers disease. When she arrived she was in poor physical health and depressed and confused. Within weeks the special care afforded by the highly trained staff at Vine House had a marked effect and it wasn't long before she had become transformed, restored to physical health, cheerful and interacting with staff and visitors. We cannot praise the management and staff of Vine House enough. They are professional, caring and form close relationships with each of the residents, catering to their individual needs. It is an intimate, homely environment for the elderly residents in which no-one is left ignored or unattended. Food is fresh and cooked on the premises and family and friends are welcome at all times - often invited to chat and have a cup of tea and cake. The links with local health and welfare services are close and immediate. When eventually my mother passed away at the age of 93 eight Vine House staff attended the funeral such was the personal attachment they had established with her. We strongly recommend Vine House as an example of a caring organisation where the resident - and their family - comes first. KATHLEEN HOOPER
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  • Frequently Asked Questions about Care Homes in Accrington.

    Vine House Rest Home is approximately 0 mile(s) away from Accrington. More information
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